Quad — may refer to:Architecture*Quadrangle in architecture, e.g., on a university campus *Quad, a dormitory room or suite housing four residents *Quad Cities, a region which includes the cities of Iowa cities of Bettendorf and Davenport and the… … Wikipedia
Quad — One quadrillion Btu. (1,000,000,000,000,000 Btu) *** One quadrillion (1015 or 1,000,000,000,000,000) British thermal units (Btus). An amount of energy equal to 170 million barrels of oil. Total U.S. consumption of all forms of energy is (in … Energy terms
QUAD — Quadrillion Btu 1015 Btu. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Energy minimization — (energy optimization) methods are common techniques to compute the equilibrium configuration of molecules. The basic idea is that a stable state of a molecular system should correspond to a local minimum of their potential energy. This kind of… … Wikipedia
Quad Cities River Bandits — Founded in 1960 Davenport, Iowa Team Logo … Wikipedia
quad — quad1 [kwäd] n. short for: 1. QUADRANGLE (of a college) 2. QUADRUPLET adj. short for QUADRAPHONIC quad2 [kwäd] n. [< QUAD(RAT)] … English World dictionary
Quad Cities — This article is about the five cities known collectively as the Quad Cities . For other uses, see Quad Cities (disambiguation). Davenport Moline Rock Island, IA IL Common name: Quad Cities … Wikipedia
quad — quad1 /kwod/, n. Informal. a quadrangle, as on a college campus. [1810 20; shortened form] quad2 /kwod/, n., v., quadded, quadding. Print. n. 1. Also called quadrat. a piece of type metal of less height than the lettered types, serving to cause a … Universalium
quad — I [[t]kwɒd[/t]] n. inf a quadrangle, as on a college campus II quad [[t]kwɒd[/t]] n. v. quad•ded, quad•ding 1) pri Also called quadrat 1) a piece of type metal of less height than the lettered types, serving to cause a blank in printed matter,… … From formal English to slang
quad. — 1. quadrangle. 2. quadrant. * * * quad1 «kwod», noun. Informal. the quadrangle of a college. quad2 «kwod», noun. Informal. a quadruplet. quad3 «kwod», noun, verb, quad|ded … Useful english dictionary