Sándor Puhl

Sándor Puhl

Sándor Puhl (born July 14, 1955) is a retired football (soccer) referee from Hungary. He is mostly known for supervising four matches in the 1994 FIFA World Cup in the USA, including the final between Brazil and Italy.

He was elected as IFFHS' World's Best Referee of the Year four times in a row, between 1994 and 1997 [ [http://www.rsssf.com/miscellaneous/iffhs-ref.html IFFHS' World's Best Referee of the Year 1987-2006] ]

He is a highly unpopular figure in Spain since the 1994 World Cup quarter final between Italy and Spain, where he failed to see Mauro Tassotti elbowing Luis Enrique in the face, breaking his nose. Italy won the match 2-1, and Tassotti was later banned for eight games.

Ironically, Puhl was later also heavily criticized in Italy, after he was refereeing the 1997 UEFA Champions League final between Borussia Dortmund and Juventus, and the Italian side felt that his decisions (specifically when Karl-Heinz Riedle scored from offside) were supporting the German team, which ultimately won the final 3-1. [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/1997/05/29/sfgbor29.xml European Cup Final: Mighty Juventus brought down by predator Riedle] ]

External links

* [http://www.weltfussball.de/schiedsrichter_profil.php?id=14280 Profile]


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