- Central carrier
In the context of
von Neumann algebra s, the central carrier of a projection "E" is the smallest central projection, in the von Neumann algebra, that dominates "E". It is also called the central supporting projection or central cover.Definition
Let "L"("H") denote the bounded operators on a Hilbert space "H", M ⊂ "L"("H") be a von Neumann algebra, and M` the
commutant of M. The center of M is "Z"(M) = M` ∩ M = {"T" ∈ M | "TM" = "MT" for all "M" ∈ M}. The central carrier "C"("E") of a projection "E" in M is defined as follows::"C"("E") = ∧ {"F" ∈ "Z"(M) | "F" is a projection and "F" ≥ "E"}.
The symbol ∧ denotes the lattice operation on the projections in "Z"(M): "F"1 ∧ "F"2 is the projection onto the closed subspace generated by Ran("F"1) ∩ Ran("F"2).
The abelian algebra "Z"(M), being the intersection of two von Neumann algebras, is also a von Neumann algebra. Therefore "C"("E") lies in "Z"(M).
If one think of M as a direct sum (or more accurately, a
direct integral ) of its factors, then the central projections are the direct sums of identity operators in the factors. If "E" is confined to a single factor, then "C"("E") is the identity operator in that factor. Informally, one would expect "C"("E") to be the direct sum of identity operators "I" where "I" is in a factor and " I · E ≠ 0".An explicit description
The projection "C"("E") can be described more explicitly. It can be shown that the Ran "C"("E") is the closed subspaces generated by MRan("E").
If N is a von Neumann algebra, and "E" a projection that does not necessarily belong to N and has range "H`". The smallest central projection in N that dominates "E" is precisely the projection onto the closed subspace [N`"H`"] generated by N`"H`". In symbols, if
:"F' " = ∧ {"F" ∈ N | "F" is a projection and "F" ≥ "E"}
then Ran("F`") = [N`"H`"] . That [N`"H`"] ⊂ Ran("F`") follows from the definition of commutant. On the other hand, [N`"H`"] is invariant under every unitary "U" in N`. Therefore the projection onto [N`"H`"] lies in N. Minimality of "F`" then yields Ran("F`") ⊂ [N`"H`"] .
Now if "E" is a projection in M, applying the above to the von Neumann algebra "Z"(M) gives
:Ran "C"("E") = [ "Z"(M)` Ran("E") ] = [ (M` ∩ M)` Ran("E") ] = [MRan("E")] .
Related results
One can deduce some simple consequences from the above description. Suppose "E" and "F" are projections in a von Neumann algebra M.
Proposition "ETF" = 0 for all "T" in M if and only if "C"("E") and "C"("F") are orthogonal, i.e. "C"("E")"C"("F") = 0.
Proof: :"ETF" = 0 for all "T" in M. :⇔ [M "Ran"("F")] ⊂ "Ker"("E"). :⇔ "C"("F") ≤ 1 - "E", by the discussion in the preceding section, where 1 is the unit in M.:⇔ "E" ≤ 1 - "C"("F").:⇔ "C"("E") ≤ 1 - "C"("F"), since 1 - "C"("F") is a central projection that dominates "E".:This proves the claim.
In turn, the following is true:
Corollary Two projections "E" and "F" in a von Neumann algebra M contain two nonzero subprojections that are Murray-von Neumann equivalent if "C"("E")"C"("F") ≠ 0.
Proof::"C"("E")"C"("F") ≠ 0.:⇒ "ETF" ≠ 0 for some "T" in M.:⇒ "ETF" has
polar decomposition "UH" for some partial isometry "U" and positive operator "H" in M.:⇒ "Ran"("U") = "Ran"("ETF") ⊂ "Ran"("E"). Also, "Ker"("U") = "Ran"("H")⊥ = "Ran"("ETF")⊥ = "Ker"("ET*F") ⊃ "Ker"("F"); therefore "Ker"("U"))⊥ ⊂ "Ran"("F").:⇒ The two equivalent projections "UU*" and "U*U" satisfy "UU*" ≤ "E" and "U*U" ≤ "F".In particular, when M is a factor, then there exists a partial isometry "U" ∈ "M" such that "UU*" ≤ "E" and "U*U" ≤ "F". Using this fact and a maximality argument, it can be deduced that the Murray-von Neumann partial order « on the family of projections in M becomes a total order if M is a factor.
Proposition (Comparability) If M is a factor, and "E", "F" ∈ M are projections, then either "E" « "F" or "F" « "E".
Proof::Let ~ denote the Murray-von Neumann equivalence relation. Consider the family "S" whose typical element is a set { ("Ei", "Fi") } where the orthogonal sets {"Ei"} and {"Fi"} satisfy "Ei" ≤ "E", "Fi" ≤ "F", and "Ei" ~ "Fi". The family "S" is partially ordered by inclusion and the above corollary shows it is non-empty. Zorn's lemma ensures the existence of a maximal element { ("Ej", "Fj") }. Maximality ensures that either "E" = ∑ "Ej" or "F" = ∑ "Fj". The countable additivity of ~ means "Ej" ~ ∑ "Fj". Thus the proposition holds.
Without the assumption that M is a factor, we have:
Proposition (Generalized Comparability) If M is a von Neumann algebra, and "E", "F" ∈ M are projections, then there exists a central projection "P" ∈ "Z"(M) such that either "EP" « "FP" and "F"(1 - "P") « "E"(1 - "P").
Proof::Let "S" be the same as in the previous proposition and again consider a maximal element { ("Ej", "Fj") }. Let "R" and "S" denote the "remainders": "R" = "E" - ∑ "Ej" and "S" = "F" - ∑ "Fj". By maximality and the corollary, "RTS" = 0 for all "T" in M. So "C"("R")"C"("S") = 0. In particular "R" · "C"("S") = 0 and "S" · "C"("S") = 0. So multiplication by "C"("S") removes the remainder "R" from "E" while leaving "S" in "F". More precisely, "E" · "C"("S") = (∑ "Ej" + "R") · "C"("S") = (∑ "Ej") · "C"("S") ~ (∑ "Fj") · "C"("S") ≤ (∑ "Fj" + "S") · "C"("S") = "F" · "C"("S"). This shows that "C"("S") is the central projection with the desired properties.
*B. Blackadar, "Operator Algebras", Springer, 2006.
*S. Sakai, "C*-Algebras and W*-Algebras", Springer, 1998.
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