

name = "Greenops"
fossil_range = Devonian

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Trilobita
superfamilia = Acastoidea
familia = Acastidae
genus = "Greenops"

"Greenops" is a mid-sized Devonian trilobite of the order Phacopida, subfamily Asteropyginae.They are mainly reported from the mid-Devonian Hamilton Group of upstate New York and southwestern Ontario. A similar-looking trilobite from Morocco is often mis-labelled "Greenops". "Greenops" has schizocroidal eyes (resembling compound eyes in insects), large genal spines and short, sharp spines at the tip of each segment of the pydgidium ("tail"). "Greenops" lived in warm, fairly deep water. In the Hamiltin Group of New York, they are found with "Phacops", "Dipleura" and "Bellacartwrightia", a trilobite that resembles "Greenops" but has much larger pygidial spines. In Ontario, they are found in the Widder Formation, which outcrops at Arkona, where they are, by far, the dominant trilobite."Greenops"' average size is about 1 to 1.5 inches.


Ludvigsen, Rolf, "Fossils of Ontario, Part 1: The Trilobites". Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Press, 1983

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