Scleranthus perennis

Scleranthus perennis

name = Perennial knawel

image_width = 250px
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Caryophyllales
familia = Caryophyllaceae
genus = "Scleranthus"
species = "S. perennis"
binomial = "Scleranthus perennis"
binomial_authority = Linnaeus|

Perennial knawel ("Scleranthus perennis" L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the carnation family. It grows on sandy, dry, acidic soils. It can grow up to 15 cm high and has white flowers of 2-5 mm. The plant used to be economically significant as the major host plant of the Polish cochineal.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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