Zhivopisny Bridge

Zhivopisny Bridge

Zhivopisny Bridge ( _ru. Живописный Мост) is a cable-stayed bridge that spans Moskva River in north-western Moscow, Russia. It is the first cable-stayed bridge in Moscow. Opened on 27 December 2007 as a part of Krasnoprenensky avenue. It is also the highest cable-stayed bridge in Europe. [ [http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS82789+14-Jan-2008+RNS20080114 Press Release] , 14 January 2008, retrieved 29 January 2008.] [ [http://www.rustunnel.ru/news/5896.html Над излучиной Москвы-реки вознесется арка живописного моста] , RusTunnel, 5 December 2006, retrieved 29 January 2008.]

Design and specifications

The bridge is unique in that most of its length runs along the river, not across it (see the [http://www.roads.ru/kp/img/map.php?link=kp-most site plan] ). Thus the bridge and highway it carries will bypass the protected territory of Serebryany Bor island.

Total length of an S-shaped deck exceeds 1.5 kilometers, including a 420-meter long, 47-meter wide main section running 30 meters above and "along" the centerline of river Moskva. The main pylon is a 105-meter high arch "across" the river, carrying the weight of deck through 78 cables

Under the top of the arch, there is a disk-like tower restaurant.


External links

* [http://www.mo18.ru Contractor's site]
* [http://russos.livejournal.com/tag/%D0%96%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9+%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82 Photos]
* [http://www.kventz.ru/moscow/city/city_060724.html Photos of bridge under construction]
* [http://www.photosight.ru/photo.php?photoid=1685841 Photos of bridge under construction]
* [http://www.stream-photo.ru/users/LYNX/11676/ August 2006 photographs]
* [http://photos.streamphoto.ru/2/b/3/1a45f8002a4f1d78a69cbb28666ed3b2.jpgPanorama: Summer 2006]

ee also

*List of bridges in Moscow

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