San Remo

San Remo

San Remo may refer to places:

* Sanremo, an Italian city
* San Remo, New South Wales, a town in New South Wales, Australia
* San Remo, Victoria, a town in Victoria, Australia
* San Remo, Western Australia, a suburb of Perth
* San Remo, New York, a hamlet in Suffolk County, New York, USA

Sanremo or San Remo may also refer to:

* San Remo conference of 1920 held at Sanremo, Italy
* Saint Romulus, a bishop of Genoa after whom the town of Sanremo was named
* Sanremo Music Festival
* The San Remo, an apartment building in New York City
* Hôtel San Rémo, a hotel casino in Las Vegas
* Rallye Sanremo, a rally competition
* San Remo, a fictional Caribbean island in "Airwolf", and the birthplace of Dominic Santini. The scenes were filmed on Santa Catalina Island, California
* San Remo, a fictional city in the TV series "Petrocelli". The scenes were filmed in Tucson, Arizona

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  • San Remo — (Аликанте,Испания) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: Navas, 30, 03001 Аликанте, Испания …   Каталог отелей

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  • San Remo — [sän re′mō̂; ] E [ san rē′mō] resort town in Liguria, NW Italy, on the Riviera: pop. 59,000 …   English World dictionary

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  • San Remo — /san ree moh, ray /; It. /sahn rdde maw/ a seaport in NW Italy, on the Riviera: resort. 64,302. * * * ▪ Italy       town, Liguria region, northwestern Italy, the chief resort of that part of the Italian Riviera known as the Riviera dei Fiori,… …   Universalium

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