Weißenbach (Hall in Tirol / Mils)

Weißenbach (Hall in Tirol / Mils)

Infobox River
river_name = Weißenbach

caption =
origin = Halltal
mouth = Inn River
basin_countries = Tyrol
length = 8,30 km
elevation =
mouth_elevation =
discharge =
watershed =

The Weißenbach rises in the Halltal and flows near Absam from Gnadenwald to South to the village of Mils, Austria, which is located 12 km east of Innsbruck. There it merges near the Austrian Railways route with the Inn River. The brook has a gradient of 8 - 9%. It is special that the brook divides into 3 parts:

main part:

The main part passes through Mils in a large ballast layer with a water quality between A and B grade. The brook has already been mitigrated several times and is still a danger for the village.

side arm 1:

As "Amtsbach" this arm flows through Absam until the coin tower of Hall in Tirol where it changes its direction to East to Mils. He is the larger of both arms and serves Absam as drinking water supply as well as water for a saw mill. His grade fluctuates between A and B grade.

side arm 2:

As "Baubach" the second arm flows through Eichat to Hall in Tirol and merges there with the Amtsbach and flows further east to the main part. In Eichat the brook is often misused as rubbish dump which reduces the water quality to B grade.

From Hall in Tirol to Mils is the further quality B grade due to the wastewater of the city and the facilities which needs the water. In the larger underflows there is little fish population anyway.

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