The term CVA can be:
*Cranio-Vertebral Anomalies
*Cape Volunteer Artillery (CVA)
*Carrabassett Valley Academy, a ski and snowboard Academy based in Carrabassett Valley, ME
*Cerebrovascular accident, also known as a stroke
*Costovertebral angle, the area of the back directly above the kidney
*attack aircraft carriers (CVA), United States Navy's hull classification symbol
*Compiled Vertex Array
*Controlled Vehicular Access, a next-generation congestion charge and traffic management system
*College of Visual Arts
*Collateral Valuation Adjustment
*Company Voluntary Arrangement - relating to Administration (insolvency)
*Certified Valuation Analyst, board tested and certified by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
*Christian Vegetarian Association, an organization supporting vegetarianism among followers of the Christian faith.
*Certified Veterinary Assistant
*Certified Vulnerability Assessor (cVa), a proprietary hands-on training program on IT vulnerability assessment certified by DNV
*abbreviation for corpus vasorum antiquorum, international index of museum's antique pottery collections.
*Paint It Black's debut album, CVA.
*Cyber Village Academy, a technologically-specialized charter school in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
*Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE listing abbreviation), a waste-to-energy company that burns municipal garbage to produce electricity.
*Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA), a conservatory of music in the Netherlands.
* CVA is the ICAO airline designator for Air Transport (Chatham Island) Limited, New Zealand.

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  • CVA — steht für: Cash Value Added, eine betriebswirtschaftliche Kennzahl Cerebrovascular accident, die englische Bezeichnung für Schlaganfall Certified Valuation Analyst, ist ein eigenständiger Qualifikationsnachweis für Bewertungsprofessionals den ITU …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cva — steht für: Cash Value Added, eine betriebswirtschaftliche Kennzahl Cerebrovascular accident, die englische Bezeichnung für Schlaganfall Certified Valuation Analyst, ist ein eigenständiger Qualifikationsnachweis für Bewertungsprofessionals… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CVA — See company voluntary arrangement. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 …   Law dictionary

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  • CVA — (cerebrovascular accident) (Medicine) any of several problems related to the brain and its blood vessels (such as stroke, hemorrhage, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • CVA-01 — The CVA 01 Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier was to be a class of at least 2 fleet carriers that would have replaced the Royal Navy s existing aircraft carriers, most of which had been designed prior to or during World War II. They would… …   Wikipedia

  • CVA — Abbreviation for cerebrovascular accident. * * * cardiovascular accident; cerebrovascular accident; cherry virus A; chronic villous arthritis; common variable agammaglobulinemia; costovertebral angle; cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and Adriamycin …   Medical dictionary

  • CVA — noun a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain • Syn: ↑stroke, ↑apoplexy, ↑cerebrovascular accident • Derivationally related forms: ↑apoplectic (for: ↑apoplexy) …   Useful english dictionary

  • čvȁliti — (čvȁljiti) (koga, što, se) nesvrš. 〈prez. čvȁlīm (se), pril. sad. lēći (se), gl. im. ljēnje〉 pejor. 1. {{001f}}(što) držati u ustima, držati u čvalama (npr. cigaretu) 2. {{001f}}(koga, se) žarg. ljubiti, {{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}žvaliti (3){{/ref}} …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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