- École centrale de Lille
Infobox University
name = Ecole Centrale de Lille
image_size= 150px
established =1872
type = Public, Graduate engineering
city =Lille
country =France
coor = coord|50|36|23|N|3|8|11|E|region:FR_type:edu
affiliations=Centrale Graduate School
free_label = Research labs
free = 7
website = http://www.ec-lille.fr
weblabel= Centrale Lille WebLocated in the campus of the University of Lille in
France , the Ecole Centrale de Lille is a renowned Graduate Engineering school established in1872 as the Institut industriel du Nord (IDN), with roots back to1854 . It is one of the Centrale Graduate Schools.Its different curricula lead to the following French & European degrees :
* Ingénieur Centralien de Lille (Centralien Graduate engineer Master degree)
* Masters Research & Doctorat (PhD doctorate studies)
* Specialized Masters (Mastère MS Spécialisé).Academic activities and industrial applied research are performed mainly in French and English languages. Students from a dozen of nationalities participate to the different curricula at Ecole Centrale de Lille.
The 1300 graduate engineer students at Ecole Centrale de Lille live in dedicated [http://www.ec-lille.fr/37625022/1/fiche___pagelibre/ residential] buildings nearby research labs and metro public transports on a campus that is shared with 20,000 students from the University of Science and Technology of Lille (USTL).
Admission to the Centralien [http://www.ec-lille.fr/12087908/1/fiche___pagelibre/ three/four-year engineering Programme] implemented at Ecole Centrale de Lille is possible after two/three year scientific undergraduate studies and requires success to either:
* an admission exam for Bachelors of Sciences : [http://www.ec-lille.fr/74333882/0/fiche___pagelibre/ CASTing - Concours d'Admission sur Titre Ingénieur] (2-year curriculum)
* a French nationwide selective exam with "numerus clausus" : [http://centrale-supelec.scei-concours.org/ concours Centrale-Supelec] (3-year curriculum including at least 2 years in France)
* a selective application as per TIME [https://www.time-association.org/ double degrees] procedures applicable in Europe (2+2-year curriculum, including 2 years in France)
* a selective application as per TIME Overseas double degree procedures applicable for [http://www.ec-lille.fr/52246573/1/fiche___pagelibre/ selected Universities and Institutes of Technology] in Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (2+2-year curriculum, including 2 years in France)
* a selective application as perIMCC procedure for one-semester or one-year accredited post-graduate study period in France and USA (1 year curriculum)
* a specific [http://www.ec-lille.fr/51915392/1/fiche___pagelibre/ application process] for other international students presented by their originating University.See also [http://www.campusfrance.org/en/a-etudier/bourse01.htm Student grants (Bourses d’excellence)] .
The Centralien Programme typically lasts three years and results in a Master degree, augmented with international experience. Thus undergraduate studies + the Centralien Programme account for more than a cumulated 300 ECTS credit in the European education system. However, graduate students enrolled in the TIME double degree procedure are required to spend two-years at Ecole Centrale de Lille and spend two years in the [https://www.time-association.org/ TIME-partner institute] for a total of four years resulting in a double master degree TIME double degree example : Graduate Engineer & Architect double degree requires two initial years at Ecole Centrale de Lille to attend the core Centralien Programme and select appropriate electives related to architecture, then third and fourth years cursus is related to both Centrale Lille and the [http://www.fpms.ac.be/FPMsHome/en/ TIME partner institute] 's cursus in Architecture. The students then get both the Centralien Graduate engineer Master's degree and a Master's degree in Architecture from the partner institute, with a capability to work both as an engineer and an architect, in whole Europe .
Not to mention that 18% students attending courses at Ecole Centrale de Lille are international students, all students enrolled in the Centralien Programme have an international exposure with opportunities to perform industry training and internship in entreprises worldwide, study abroad for 1 year in selected partner institutes providing Master (M2) courses, or be part of the 2+2 year TIME double degree programme.
In addition to the Centralien Programme, Ecole Centrale de Lille provides a range of Master's degree cursus in science and engineering that are opened to applicants who have completed their undergraduate studies in other institutes. Admission to Masters' second-year research cursus (M2R) is also possible for applicants who have performed their Master's first year (M1) in another institute and wish to focuse on a research topic associated to Centrale Lille research labs.
Admission to one of the 6 [http://www.ec-lille.fr/84806243/1/fiche___pagelibre/ Masters] (M1+M2 or M2) from Ecole Centrale de Lille is possible upon an application assement process based on academic criteria. Note that Masters/Research (M2R) workload is 60 ECTS credits and may be the starting point for doctorate studies.These 6 Masters and a larger number of Masters (M2) from other Centrale Graduate Schools and from partner institutes are also possible as electives for a double degree Beyond Centrale Lille's own Master degrees, students from the Centralien Programme may select among few Masters (M2) from partners institutes in Lille as an integrated elective part of their third year at Ecole Centrale de Lille : elective Masters may be from scientific fields ( [http://ufr-math.univ-lille1.fr//Formations/Presentation_formations/Master%20Math%20Appli/Master_Maths_Appliquees.htm Applied maths] and [http://formations.univ-lille1.fr/ws?_cmd=getAllFormations&_debut=0&_redirect=voir_liste_program&__composante=&__matiere=&__intitule_pt_AND=&__1=__domaine&__2=AND&__3=__diplome&__domaine=1&__diplome=TI-ma&_pas=200#resultat others] ) or from other fields such as Banking & Finance. The third year of the Centralien programme may be also spent either in another Centrale Graduate School or abroad for one year in selected Master (M2) programmes from partner universities. alongside the Centralien Programme.
Admission to one of the 6 Specialized Masters (Mastère (MS) spécialisé) for Master-level specialization and continuing education in specific engineering and management fields is possible upon application assessment based on candidate profile. Prerequisite to apply for this specialized curriculum is to already hold a Master or an equivalent postgraduate degree in a different scientific field. MS from Ecole Centrale de Lille include the following [http://www.ec-lille.fr/63664944/1/fiche___pagelibre/ MS list in English] and the following [http://www.ec-lille.fr/63664944/0/fiche___pagelibre/ MS list taught in French] . MS workload is 75 ECTS credits.
Research at Ecole Centrale de Lille
Ecole Centrale de Lille is a member of the [http://cde.univ-lille1.fr/index.php?id=23&L=1 European Doctoral College Lille-Nord-Pas de Calais] that provides 400 doctorate dissertations every year. Ecole Centrale de Lille delivers the Doctorate degree in 7 [http://www.ec-lille.fr/55452520/1/fiche___pagelibre/ Engineering Sciences specialities] . PhD doctorate candidates shall preferably hold a Master of Sciences/Research degree prior to entering doctoral cursus. Academic doctoral research studies and industry-sponsored doctoral research studies can be performed in Ecole Centrale de Lille research labs.
PhD doctorate candidates and visiting researchers are welcome and should contact directly one of the 7 [http://www.ec-lille.fr/85245947/1/fiche___pagelibre/ research labs] associated to Ecole Centrale de Lille.
* Automatic Control, Computer Science and Signal Processing : [http://lagis.ec-lille.fr/ LABORATOIRE D'AUTOMATIQUE, DE GENIE INFORMATIQUE ET SIGNAL] Shared Laboratory : CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lille - USTL UMR CNRS 8146 - [http://www.inria.fr/inria/organigramme/fiche_ur-lille.en.html INRIA Lille]
* Mechanical engineering, fluid mechanics & civil engineering : [http://lmlm6-62.univ-lille1.fr/ LABORATOIRE DE MECANIQUE DE LILLE] Shared laboratory : CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lille - ENSAM Lille - USTL UMR CNRS 8107 - Member of [http://www.ic-arts.eu/ CARNOT ARTS Institute]
* Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics: [http://l2ep.univ-lille1.fr/ LABORATOIRE D'ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET D'ELECTRONIQUE DE PUISSANCE] Shared laboratory: Ecole Centrale de Lille - USTL - ENSAM - HEI EA 2697 - Member of [http://www.ic-arts.eu/ CARNOT ARTS Institute]
* Electronics, Microelectronics, Nano-technologies : [http://www.iemn.univ-lille1.fr/index.htm INSTITUT D'ELECTRONIQUE, DE MICROELECTRONIQUE ET DE NANOTECHNOLOGIE] Shared laboratory : CNRS - USTL - Université de Valenciennes - ISEN UMR CNRS 8520 - [http://www.instituts-carnot.eu/?q=node/42 CARNOT IEMN Institute]
* Chemical engineering, Catalysis and Solid Chemistry: [http://uccs.univ-lille1.fr/mainEN.htm UNITE DE CATALYSE ET DE CHIMIE DU SOLIDE] Shared laboratory: CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lille - USTL - Chimie Lille UMR CNRS 8181
* Systems Engineering & Manufacturing : [http://ecogest.ec-lille.fr/ LABORATOIRE DE GENIE INDUSTRIEL] - [http://www.gi.ecp.fr/Formation%20initiale/MasterRechercheGI.html LRGI] Laboratoire de Recherche en Génie Industriel associated to [http://www.instituts-carnot.eu/?q=node/24 CARNOT C3S Institute] and in cooperation with
European Doctoral College Lille Nord-Pas de Calais on Economics, Management, Finance and applied mathematics
* Materials Science & Processing : [http://www.ec-lille.fr EQUIPE SCIENCES DES MATERIAUX] et LABORATOIRE METALLURGIE PHYSIQUE et GENIE DES MATERIAUX Shared Laboratory : USTL - Ecole Centrale de Lille - ESAM -EDF - Member of [http://www.ic-arts.eu/ CARNOT ARTS Institute]Alumni
* [http://www.centraliens-lille.org/multilangues.php Centraliens de Lille alumni association]
* [http://www.ec-lille.fr/11649134/1/fiche___pagelibre/ Fondation Centrale-Initiative]Ecole Centrale de Lille as a hub for engineering science
* International role for engineering pedagogy, academic programmes and double degrees, including :
**Centrale Graduate School with Centralien programme and third-year student mobility;
**Top Industrial Managers for Europe [https://www.time-association.org/ (TIME)] double degrees network implemented in Europe and worldwide.
* Focal role in LilleEurodistrict for a pole of excellence with engineering programmes and double degrees with the following specialized institutes located in the neighbourhood of Ecole Centrale de Lille:
** Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL) for [http://formations.univ-lille1.fr/ws?_cmd=getAllFormations&_debut=0&_redirect=voir_liste_program&__composante=&__matiere=&__intitule_pt_AND=&__1=__domaine&__2=AND&__3=__diplome&__domaine=1&__diplome=TI-ma&_pas=200#resultat Masters] and research labs in [http://edspi.univ-lille1.fr/index.php?id=11&L=5 engineering science] ;
** [http://www.ensc-lille.fr/english-version.html École nationale supérieure de chimie] de Lille with joint chemical engineering research laboratory, associated to a Masters'degree in Catalysis and Processes, to a Mastère (MS) Spécialisé in Drug design and to a Mastère (MS) Spécialisé in Intellectual Property;
** ESC Lille Graduate School of Management joint programme in Entrepreneurship ;
** ESA - Ecole Supérieure des Affaires de Lille in a [http://esa.univ-lille2.fr/fr/master/banque/ecole-centrale-de-lille-et-banking-finance-advanced-program.html Banking & Finance advanced programme] ;
** [http://www.fpms.ac.be/FPMsHome/en/ Faculté Polytechnique de Mons] for [http://www.fpms.ac.be/FPMsHome/en/Education/SecondCycle/C2BaseArchi.htm MSc in architectural engineering] .
* Focal role in Europe for doctoral studies and research labs in engineering domains organised as
** [http://cde.univ-lille1.fr/index.php?id=23&L=1 European Doctoral College Lille-Nord-Pas de Calais] and especially its [http://edspi.univ-lille1.fr/index.php?id=12&L=5 Doctoral school of engineering science]
** Centrale Lille research labs grouping researchers in Lille and acting as shared laboratories with other institutes ;
** Member of [http://www.ic-arts.eu/component/option,com_weblinks/catid,64/Itemid,105/lang,fr/ CARNOT ARTS research institute]
** Joint research activities with
*** [http://www.c3s.eu/ CARNOT C3S] ,
*** [http://www.iemn.univ-lille1.fr/ CARNOT IEMN (Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie) research institute in Villeneuve d'Ascq] ,
*** [http://www.inrets.fr/infos/centres/ct_vascq.html CARNOT INRETS (Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité) research institute on Intelligent Transport Systems in Villeneuve d'Ascq] ,
*** [http://www.onera.fr/lille/index.php CARNOT ONERA (fluid mechanics) Institut de mécanique des fluides de Lille]
** Joint researches in computer science with INRIA [http://www.inria.fr/inria/organigramme/fiche_ur-lille.fr.html Futurs - INRIA Lille Nord Europe] - [http://sequel.futurs.inria.fr/people Inria Futurs sequel]
** Joint researches in intelligent transportation systems through [http://www.grrt.fr/html/laboratoires/index.php GRRT group] .References and external links
* [http://www.ec-lille.fr/40055502/1/fiche___pagelibre/ Centrale Lille Graduate School] : [http://www.ec-lille.fr/12087908/1/fiche___pagelibre/ Centrale Lille] [http://www.ec-lille.fr web site]
* [ Centrale Lille : library & documentation centre]
* [http://eleves.ec-lille.fr/ Centrale Lille students Portal]
* [http://bde.ec-lille.fr/bde/ Centrale Lille students union site]
* [http://integration.ec-lille.fr/ Centrale Lille : new students integration site]
*Centrale Graduate School
*Top Industrial Managers for Europe [https://www.time-association.org/ (TIME network)]*
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