Ulmus ismaelis

Ulmus ismaelis

status = LC
name = "Ulmus ismaelis"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Rosales
familia = Ulmaceae
genus = "Ulmus"
species = "U. ismaelis"
binomial = "Ulmus ismaelis"
binomial_authority = Todzia & Panero sp. nov.

"Ulmus ismaelis" Todzia & Panero is a small tree recently discovered in southern Mexico, endemic to riparian forest along the Mixteco River system in northeastern Oaxaca, where it grows among large boulders in the limestone canyons.


Rarely growing to > 15 m in height, the tree has exfoliating orangish bark. The ovate leaves are coriaceoeus, < 9.6 cm in length by 4.6 cm broad, acute at the apex, pinnately veined, on short (2-5 mm) petioles; the colour ranges from dull-green to light-brown. The apetalous flowers are arranged as short racemes on leafless twigs, sparsely clustered on < 7 mm peduncles. The samarae are < 22 mm by 13 mm, tapering at the base to a < 4 mm stalk, and are shed during June and July Todzia, C. A. & Panero, J. L. (1998). A new species of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) from southern Mexico and a synopsis of the species in Mexico. "Brittonia": Vol 50, (3): 346.] .


The tree is not known to be in cultivation.

Pests and diseases

No information available.


Named for Mexican botanist and collector Dr Juan Ismael Calzada, who discovered the tree.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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