- Kohnstein
Infobox Mountain
Name = Kohnstein
Photo =
Caption =
Elevation =
Range =
Location =Thuringia ,Germany
Prominence =
Coordinates = coord|51|32|32|N|10|44|39|E|
First ascent =
Easiest route =
Translation =
Language = German
Pronunciation =The Kohnstein is a mountain, 2 km southwest of the
Niedersachswerfen village and 3 km northwest of the center of theNordhausen city. Gypsum mining created tunnels in the mountain that were later used as a fuel/chemical depot and forNazi Germany factories, including theMittelwerk V-2 rocket factory that usedMittelbau-Dora slave labor.Chronology
1917-1934: The firm Badische Anilin Sodafabrik purchased the property and mined anhydrite for gypsum.
cite book |last=Ordway |first= Frederick I, III|coauthors=Sharpe, Mitchell R|title=The Rocket Team|series= Apogee Books Space Series 36|publisher= |year=1979|pages=p75,76,79,88] .
cite book |last=Béon|first=Yves |others=translated from the French La planète Dora by Béon & Richard L. Fague|title=Planet Dora: A Memoir of the Holocaust and the Birth of the Space Age|year=1997|publisher=Westview Press, Div. of Harper Collins|isbn=0-8133-3272-9|pages=pXII,XXIV]
1935 summer: At the suggestion of
I. G. Farben industrie, the Wirtschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft (Wifo, Economic Research Ltd)cite book |last=Neufeld|first=Michael J|title=The Rocket and the Reich: Peenemünde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era|year=1995|publisher=The Free Press|location=New York|isbn=0-02-922895-6|pages=p202,209,230,264] investigated the mine to centralize a fuel and chemical depot.
cite book |last=Garliński|first=Józef |authorlink=Józef Garliński|title=Hitler's Last Weapons: The Underground War against the V1 and V2|year=1978|publisher=Times Books|location=New York|pages=p105]
1936: Wifo took over the mines to create a highly secret central petroleum reserve. The Government's Industrial Research Association invested some effort in adapting the tunnels and galleries for the storage of critical chemicals like tetra-ethyl-lead.
cite book |last=Irving|first=David|authorlink=David Irving|title=The Mare's Nest|year=1964|publisher=William Kimber and Co|location=London|pages=p143]
1937-1940: Wifo phases I and II to extend the tunnels are completed, and the site stored oil, gasoline, and chemicals; as well as stockpiles of chemical poisons.
1943 July (mid): A production planner for
Gerhard Degenkolb (i.e., the A-4 Special Committee), Paul Figge, determined the site seemed ideal for A-4 production, butHermann Göring initially forbids the use for missile production (Hitler overruled).1943 August (end): The Armaments Ministry seized the facility from Hermann Göring's Four-Year Plan organization.
1943 November (late):
Mittelwerk GmbH leases the Kohnstein mine from Wifo, the owner.1943 September early: Albin Sawatzki,
Arthur Rudolph , and about ten engineers move to the Nordhausen plant from Peenemünde.1943 September: Conversion of tunnels for
V-2 rocket production was started.cite book |last=Heashall|first=|title=Hitler’s Rocket Sites|year=1985|publisher=St Martin's Press|location=|pages=p25]
1944 Spring: Ventilation and heating construction was completed.
cite book |last=Franklin|first=Thomas|title=American in Exile, An: The Story of Arthur Rudolph|year=1987|publisher=Christopher Kaylor Company|location=Huntsville|pages=p77]
1944 May or June: Mittlewerk had to compress all its facilities into tunnels 21-46, disrupting production.
1945 April 11: After previously entering the Nordhausen plant from the North through the Junkers Nordwerke, 3rd US Armored and
104th Infantry Division s reached the city of Nordhausen on April 11, 1945 and discovered the dead and sick of theBoelcke Kaserne barracks atMittelbau-Dora .cite book |last=McGovern|first=James| authorlink=James McGovern| title=Crossbow and Overcast|year=1964|publisher=W. Morrow|location=New York|pages=p117,120,185]
1945 June: The US Army left the Nordhausen plant as required by JCS Directive 1067/14, with parts, machine tools, and documents (including blueprints for the projected A-9/A-10 intercontinental missile) left for the Soviets.
1948 Summer: The Soviet army demolished both of the entrances of the tunnel system
1995: A new entrance tunnel was dug to former rail Tunnel A. Subsequently a section of 710 m of the tunnel system was opened for visitors.
After the 1990
reunification of Germany , the tunnels were frequently looted by treasure seekers who gained access via the private mine in the north of theKohnstein . Large parts of the system are flooded by ground water, while other parts have collapsed.Willi Kramer , a German archaeologist and scientist who dived in the tunnel system in1992 and1998 , estimated that 70 tons of material was stolen. Access through these entrances was secured not until2004 , when the mine went into insolvency.cite web|last=Christ|first=Sebastian| url=http://www.spiegel.de/spiegelspecial/0,1518,415087,00.html| format=html - German language |title=Überreste eines Mordregimes |work=|date=03/2006|accessdate=2008-05-27| publisher=Spiegel Special]
References and Notes
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.