Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati

Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati

Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati is the editor and author of commentary for a complete edition of the ancient Hindu religious texts the Rig Veda,the Yajur Veda,the Sama Ved,and the Atharva Ved. His many other published works cover topics of Hinduism influenced by Swami Dayananda Saraswati's Arya Samaj reform movement.

*The Critical & Cultural Study of the Satapatha Brahmana;
*A Critical Study of Brahma Gupta and His Works;
*Founders of Sciences in Ancient India; 2 Volumes, 1986, Research Institute of Ancient Scientific Studies, New Delhi.
*Rgveda Samhita; 13 Volumes (bound in 12) (Sanskrit text, transliteration and English translation) (4th Edition 2005)
*Samveda; 2 Volumes (Sanskrit text, transliteration and English translation)
*Yajurveda of Vajasaneyi Madhyandina Shukla; 3 Volumes (Sanskrit text, transliteration and English translation)

----Svami Satya a Prakasha Sarasvati, D.Sc., F.A.Sc, was an Ex. Prof. and head of the chemistry department of the Allahabad University. He was a Sanyasin and also a Rotarian. Being an admirer of Maharshi Dayananda Sarasvati, he had a desire from his early boyhood of becoming a Sanyasin, which he became by entering into the order of the Sanyasin on May 10, 1971. His canonisation to this order took place in the University campus and the high priest in the segment was none other than Dr. Babu Ram Saksena, the vice Chancellor of the University. He was brought up in the traditions of the Arya Samaj, which stood for the Oriental ideals.

He saw no contradiction between Science and Theism." God manifest himself best through his creation. More you study God's creation you are nearer to God. More you know nature, then more you know God and more you love him. More you know God and his eternal laws (Rta-Term from Vedic Philosophy), the more you increase your potentialities. There is no secrecy in his realm. It is given to a scientist to unfold the truths through which God has manifested himself in his creation. And hence, to me to study science is to worship him.

Swvami Satya Prakasha Sarasvati in his presidential address to the Veda Sammelanaon the occasion of the Arya Samaj foundation centenary, Varanashi, Feb. 27, 1976 had observed on the subject of “Divine Text”:

“God's best manifestation of Himself, verily, is in His creation, the Para-Brahma. This moveable or immoveable, perishable and changing world is His creation; this is His great poem, a great art a great multidimensional painting. Enjoy the beauty of this art with your eyes open, and fathom deep to its depth- You will be amazed with its charm. Appreciate the poetry of our Lord the beauty of which neither dies, nor decays. (Devasya Pasya Kavyam na Mamar na Jeeryati) Av. X. 8.32).

"Our Lord's poetry is ever new; it has been such ever since: there is an eternal element of effulgence in it. There is no end to this art. Of course, our appreciation Or the response to this art has a limitation. Lord has given us eyes to enjoy the visual panorama; and He again gave us ears to enjoy the ocular (i.e. Combination of lenses at the viewing end of optical instruments) or acoustic spectrum what we hear through ears, we can reproduce through our vocal organ, consisting of a wonderful complex starting from throat and extendingup to our lips. Whilst this vocal complex is our transmitter, the ears are receivers of a communication set. We are expected to listen divine words with our ears, and communicate them to others by our vocal organ. The speech has a divine origin, and in this respect man is more fortunate than any other animal. No animal has been provided with such elaborate vocal and acoustic organs.It is man alone who speaks with beautiful distinctiveness the entire letters of the phonetic alphabet consisting of simple vowels. The vocal organ has its complete responsivity on the hearing organ. It is not an accident, neither it is an evolutionary process, that has given to man this highly complicated and delicate receiver and transmitter. In case, there was no colour or form in natural objects, i.e. optical spectrum, our eyes would have had no purpose or powerful meaning. Had there been no taste or smell in the worldly creation, our tongue or nose would have been meaningless. And similarly, bad their been no divine words or divine speech, a divine language, our hearing and vocal organ would have been superfluous. Taste and smell arc not of human creation; they pre-existed man and similarly, the acoustic spectrum with vivid details pre-existedany of us in Nature's creation. This is what is meant by Divine Speech, which has passed down to us in the form of Sruti or word, and in this context in our poetic ecstasy we often say: God is Word or Word is God, or God has ever been with this Word, and Word with this God. God's creativity is not only amazingand wonderful in the visible world. His creativity is equally amazing in its acoustic parameter, i.e. in the divine speech which has been given to us in the form of the Sruti, the Veda, the Word The Holy Speech. His creation has a dual aspect, Name (-W), and Form . Our Lord is the supreme primary source of form and name both. He is the first cause of the visible world. ("The primordial root of all true knowledge, and objects made known by the true knowledge, is the Supreme God.

"The Vedic Religion embraces the study of the Veda, the Upa- Vedas, and the Vedangas including the Upangas, which means the subjects like grammar, etymology, philology, economics and politics, medicine, astronomy, aesthetics, defense sciences, logic, physical sciences, and ecclesiastics.... The term Veda itself means knowledge as a whole."

Above is an extract of the talk given by him to the members of the Rotarians club at Tanga, Tanzania, Sunday, between August 12 to 16,1971. (Vol2, Speeches and writings and Addresses "The Arya Samaj-A Renaissance.")

Many lectures where given by him in the various forums in the same spirit on the basis of his rational, scientific and open-minded understanding of the Arya Samaj ideals.

Svami Satya Prakasha Sarasvati was one of the best exponents of the Philosophy of Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, the well-known founder of the Arya Samaj. His books" Dayananda- a philosopher' and 'Vincit Veritas' and the lectures given by him in his extensive tour in South Africa are excellent illustrations of the thorough and deep understanding of Svami Dayananda Sarasvati's Darshana of the Vedas.Dayananda had undertaken a huge struggle to establish the Esoteric and spiritual of Vedas. His slogan was 'Back to Vedas '

This meant a radical return to the Vedic Knowledge as the foundation of the human life, on the correct understanding of the Cosmic Truths. This meaning had eroded from the society in its contemporary understanding reflected by the understanding of the traditional scholars, who unfortunately engaged into a vicious opposition to Dayananda’ s movement conducted individually and through Arya Samaj activities. The object a of the movement was to propagate the correct interpretation of the Vedic Shrutis and knowledge and its implications on the Social, Political, Rituals and entire foundations of the prevalent Hindu Society. The initial effort was to reform Hindu society in India and eventually extend this movement also to the entire world, for transforming the humanity to true Aryans i.e. Enlightened Humans.

This struggle also had inevitable patriotic overtones on the background of the British Imperial Rule over India, which treated India as a British Colony . The damage that it had done to the true Vedic Culture of the Hindus had to be rectified. Svami Satyaprakash Sarasvati in his own way understood the significance of this movement of the Arya Samaj and rendered a yeoman service by explaining and translating this unique struggle and movement to the world.

Short Bibliography: -Svami Satya Prakash produced many speeches, writings and books on the subject apart from his professional papers and books on chemistry as his research Some of his efforts are listed below: -BibliographyUp to 1980(From Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch, Bd.VII. b-Poggendorff-Redaktion, Leipzig)

An Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry: for B. Sc. students of theIndian Universities' (Allahabad Advanced Inorganic Chemistry for B. Sc. students (New Delhi)

Agnihotra, or an ancient process of fumigation. A study from theChemical standpoint (Delhi)

Critical Study of Philosophy of Dayananda* (Ajmer '38)Dayananda’ S Outline of the Vedic Philosophy (New Delhi) Humanitarian Diet1, (Allahabad '41) (Allahabad '77

A textbook of Analytical Chemistry for B. Sc. students (R. D.Tiwari. (Allahabad)

Advanced Chemical Calculations in inorganic, analytical andPhysical chemistry

Samanya Rasayana Sastra, Textbook of generalChemistry for B. Sc. students in Hindi) (Allahabad '51)

Advanced Chemistry of Rare Elements' (New Delhi '56); * (NewDelhi'60) amerikanische Aafl. (New York'67).

Vaijnanika Vikasa ki Bharatiya Parampara, (Ancient traditions of sciences in India)' A course ofLectures to the Bihar Slate Academy of Literature, (Patina '54)Pracin Bharat men Rawyan ka Vikas, (Development of chemistry in ancient India (Lucknow '60) 850 p.

Ultrasonics and Colloids (mil Asim Kumar Ghosh) (Allahabad '61)Uttar Pradesh Scientific nlilic Research Committee Monographs, (Bombay '62) Chemical Study of some Indian Archaeological Antiquities (mil N. S. Rawat) (Bombay-New Delhi-New York '65) (Uttar Pradesh Slate Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Monograph 10)Founders of Sciences in Ancient India (New Delhi '65)

Hindi translation (New Delhi '67) Satpatha Brahmanam, Hundred Paths, Ancient VedicTreatise of the school of Sukla Yajurveda (New Delhi,Of English Introduction; Sanskrit text and Hindi translation by GangaPrasad Upadhyaya, 1448 p. Dr. Ratna Kumari PublicationSeries 1.2 and 3 (English introduction, Sanskrit text andHindi translation)

Baudhayana sulba Sutram Baudhayunas aphorismson Vedic geometry applied to fire-altars (New Delhi '68)(Dr. Ratna Kumari Publication Series 4)Text, Sanskrit commentary by (Dvarakanath. Yajvan, Englishtranslation by G. Thibaut. Apastamba Sulba-Sutram, Apastamba's aphorisms on Vedic geometry applied to fire altars (New Delhi'68) (Dr. Ratna Kumari PublicationSeries 5) (English translation by S. Prakash and notes andintroduction; Sanskrit text and Sanskrit commentaries byKapardi, Karavinda and Sundararaja)

A Critical Study of Brahmagupta and his works, a most distinguished

Indian astronomer and mathematician of the sixth century:(New Delhi '68)

Coinage in Ancient India (mit Rajendra Singh) (New Delhi '68)(22+plates )

Chemistry for Engineers for University and Technological Institutions (mit S. P.Sangal) (Allahabad '69) 707 p.

Vincit Veritas (collection of lectures on Indian culture andphilosophy in South Africa) (Allahabad '71) 331 p.

Standard English Hindi Dictionary (mit Balbhadra Prasad Misra)(Allahabad '71)

Man and His Religion (Nairobi, Kenya '72) 103 p; Indian reprint(New Delhi '73) 96 p; translation in Swahili (Nairobi, Kenya'76) 96 p; Hindi translation (Allahabad '75) 103 p

Sabun aw Glycerine, (Soap and Glycerine)(Lucknow '66)

Rasayanik Shilp ki Ekaka Sankriyayen, (Unit Operations of Chemical Technology in Hindi)(mit Shubha Laxmi) (Lucknow '73)

Bhautik Rasayan, (Text Book of Physical ChemistryIn Hindi) (mit Sheo Prakash) (Lucknow)

The Nectareal Songs of the Vedas (New Delhi '75) 50+1 p,

Patanjala Rajayoga (The Ancient System of Yoga introduced byPatanjali) (New Delhi'75) (Indonesion translation,by Mrs. Major Polak, Denpasar, Parables and dialogues from the Upanisads (New Delhi '75) 13+

Physico-chemical Aspects of Polymers (mil Som PrakashSrivastava) (New Delhi '77) (Science Pocket Mono-graph Series 1)

Bhautik aur Rasayanik Niyatanka, (Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants (with UshaJyotishmati) (Lucknow'78)

The Bakhshai Manuscript, An Ancient Treatise of IndianArithmetic (with Usha Jyotishmati) (Allahabad '79)

The Sulba Sutras, Texts on the Vedic Geometry (with UshaJyotishmati) (Allahabad '79)

The Rigveda Samhita (Text and English translation with notes)(with Satyakama Vidyalankar); Vol. I, Introduction and Index, New Delhi'77) Book I, hymns 1.121,'77;Vol. Ill, book I, hymns 122-191; '77;Vol. IV, Book 11, hymns1-43; Book 111, hymns 1-62,'77; Vol. V-V1, Book IV, hymns 1-58, Book V, hymns 1-87, '&7); till now 1952 pages published.

Many other Research Papers (not cited or reproduced here)(Extract taken from "Speeches, writings and addresses" Vol 2 The Arya Samaj A renaissance by Dr.Ratna Kumari sansthana Alld. Vijnana Parishad Bhavana, Maharshi Dayananda Marg, Allahabad).

"He had also translated The Rig Veda, The Yajurveda , The Samaveda and The Atharveda and had many works published and some unpublished work also in Hindi literature, ancient science, philosophy ,and translations of various ancient literature in English. He was a scientist and had contributed hugely in expressing modern science subjects and even some of his researches in Hindi. (For complete reference on his life and works you may contact Pt. Dinanath Shastri working in H.A.L Korwa (call him: +919415877625, email: swamisatyprakash@rediffmail.com,udgith_arya@yahoo.co.in) Amethi,U.P.,India; Ms.Samjana Pragath pursuing Phd. on Svami Satya Prakash,Amethi U.P India ,Svami Satya Prakash Pratishthan,Raebreli,U.P.,India etc.)"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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