
Gender Female
Word/Name Greek
Meaning from Mount Cynthus
Other names
Related names Cindy, Cyndi, Cyndy, Sindy, Synthia, Cintia, Cinzia,

Cynthia is a feminine given name of Greek origin: Κυνθία, Kynthía, "from Mount Cynthus" on Delos island. It can be abbreviated as Cindy. There are various spellings for this name.

Cynthia was originally an epithet of the Greek goddess of the moon, Artemis, who was sometimes called "Cynthia" because, according to legend, the goddess was born on Mount Cynthus.

People with the given name Cynthia (or a variant thereof)

Fictional characters

  • Cynthia (Pokémon), champion of the Sinnoh region in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
  • Cynthia Brisby, young mouse in the 1982 film The Secret of NIMH
  • Cynthia Murdoch, character in Agatha Christie's 1916 mystery novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles
  • Cynthia Brandon, younger mortal sister of Alice Cullen, a vampire in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series
  • Cynthia, Angelica's doll on the cartoon Rugrats
  • Synthia Schmidt, aka Sin (Marvel Comics), comic book supervillianess

See also

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  • Cynthia — f English: from Greek Kynthia, an epithet applied to the goddess Artemis, who was supposed to have been born on Mount Kynthos on the island of Delos. The mountain name is of pre Greek origin. Cynthia was later used by the Roman poet Propertius as …   First names dictionary

  • Cynthia — the Moon, from L. Cynthia dea the Cynthian goddess, epithet of Artemis/Diana, said to have been born on Mt. Cynthus on Delos …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Cynthia — CYNTHIA, æ, Gr. Κυνθία, ας, ein gemeiner Beynamen der Diana, Horat. lib. III. Od. 28. v. 12. den sie von dem Berge Cynthus, in der Insel Delos, hat, an oder auf welchem sie ehemals soll seyn gebohren worden. Despretz ad eumd. l. c. & Serv. ad… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Cynthia — [sin′thē ə] n. [L < Gr Kynthia, epithet of Artemis, orig. fem. of Kynthios, lit., of or from Kynthos, Cynthus, mountain in Delos, celebrated as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis] 1. a feminine name: dim. Cindy 2. ARTEMIS 3. the moon… …   English World dictionary

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