

Ampyx has several meanings; in hair care, an ampyx is a headband, often made of metal. In Greek mythology, there were a number of figures with the name Ampyx, Amycus or Ampycus (alt. "Ampykos").

* Ampyx or Ampycus was a seer, the son of Elatus the Lapith chieftain. He fathered Mopsus with the nymph Chloris. Appears in Orpheus's, "Argonautica", [Orpheus. "Argonautica", 948.] Pausanias's "Description of Greece", [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", 5.17.10.] Hyginus's "Fabulae". [Hyginus. "Fabulae". Book 14, 128.]

* Ampyx or Ampycus was an Ethiopian priest of Demeter (Ceres). He appears in Ovid's "Metamorphoses" [Ovid. "Metamorphoses". Book 5, 110.] and was slain by Phineus during a fight between Phineus and Perseus (see Boast of Cassiopeia), just before Phineus was turned to stone.

* Ampyx or Amycus, son of Ophion, was one of the Lapiths who fought the centaurs at Pirithous's wedding. Appears in Ovid's "Metamorphoses". [Ovid. "Metamorphoses". Book 12, 450.]

* Ampyx is an ancestor of Patreas, the founder of Patrae. He appears in Pausanias's "Description of Greece". [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", 7.18.5.]

In paleontology, "Ampyx" is a genus of asaphid trilobite from the Middle Ordovician.


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  • AMPYX — nomen viri proprium. Ovid. l. 12. Met. Fab. 5. Ampyca quid referam, qui quadrupedantis Oecli Fixit in adverso cornum sine cuspide vultu? Erat autem Ampyx; Mopsi pater. Orpheus in Argon. Καὶ Μόψον Τιταρῆθεν, ὃν Α῎μπυκι νυμφευθεῖσα Χαονίην ὑπό… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Ampyx — Am pyx, n. [Gr. ?.] (Greek Antiq.) A woman s headband (sometimes of metal), for binding the front hair. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ampyx — (gr.), 1) Kette, Band auf der Stirn der Pferde; 2) Haar od. Stirnband der Frauen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ampyx — AMPYX, ùcis, Gr. Ἄμπυξ, υκος, einer von den Gegnern des Perseus, welcher diesem eines mit dem Schwerte zu versetzen suchete, durch Erblickung des Kopfes der Medusa aber in einen Stein verwandelt wurde. Ovid. Metam. V. v. 184 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Ampyx [1] — AMPYX, ùcis, einer von den Lapithen, der auf des Pirithous Hochzeit in dem erregten Handgemenge den Centaur Oeklus erlegete. Ovid. Metam. XII. v. 450 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Ampyx [2] — AMPYX, des Mopsus Vater. Sieh vorher Ampycus …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Ampyx — Am|pyx der; [es], e <aus gleichbed. gr. ámpyx> Stirnband der Frauen in der Antike …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • ampyx — ˈam(ˌ)piks noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, woman s diadem, probably from am (from ana ) + pyx (akin to Greek pykazein to cover closely, surround, crown); akin to Avestan pusā diadem …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ampyx (trilobite) — Taxobox regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Trilobita subclassis = Librostoma ordo = Asaphida genus = Ampyx Ampyx is a genus of Asaphid Ordovician Silurian trilobites. They are characterized by three extended spines on the head shield …   Wikipedia

  • ampyx — am·pyx …   English syllables

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