Paul K. Chu

Paul K. Chu

Paul K. Chu (朱劍豪) is an internationally known specialist in plasma surface modification and materials science. He is Professor (Chair) of materials engineering at City University of Hong Kong.


He received his BS in mathematics (cum laude) from The Ohio State University in 1977 and his MS and PhD in chemistry from Cornell University in 1979 and 1982, respectively.

He is a Fellow of the APS (American Physical Society, AVS(American Vacuum Society), IEEE [ [ New IEEE Fellows 2003] , retrieved 1/24/07] , and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE NPSS Merit Award which is the most prestigious award given by IEEE in the areas of nuclear and plasma sciences.

He is a member of the International Plasma-Based Ion Implantation Executive Committee which organizes the biannual International Workshop on Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition (PBII&D), Ion Implantation Technology (IIT) International Committee that organizes the biannual International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, IEEE Executive Committee on Plasma Science and Applications (PSAC) that organizes the annual IEEE Conference on Plasma Science, and APS Division of Materials Physics Nominating Committee.

He holds or has held advisory or visiting professorship in twelve universities and research institutes in China, including the Institute of Microelectronics in Peking University and Department of Physics in Nanjing University. He has established a joint PhD program with the University of Sydney in Australia and a similar joint PhD program between City University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University, China.

Prof. Chu is senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, associate editor of and International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering, and a member of the editorial board of Surface and Interface Analysis, Recent Patents on Materials Science, and International Journal of Molecular Engineering.


*He is editor of three books on biomaterials and surface modification and one MRS conference proceedings,
**Ion-Beam-Based Nanofabrication, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings volume 1020 (ISBN 978-1-55899-980-2), D. Ila, J. Baglin, N. Kishimoto, and P. K. Chu (Editors), USA (2007).
**Biomaterials and Surface Modification (ISBN 978-81-308-0182-7), P. K. Chu and X. Y. Liu (Editors), Research Signpost, Kerala, India (2007).
**Biomaterials Fabrication and Processing Handbook (ISBN 978-0849379734), P. K. Chu and X. Y. Liu (Editors), CRC Press / Taylor and Francis, California (2008).
* He has written twenty book chapters,
* and both alone and jointly with his many students and collaborators, published over 600 journal papers and 600 conference papers.

Patents and Contracts

*He holds 8 US and 5 Chinese patents
*He has over 10 active research contracts and grants, and has previously received over 50 others.

External links

* [ Personal website]
* [ Plasma Laboratory website]


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