- List of RPI fraternities and sororities
The following is an incomplete list of fraternities and sororities at RPI.
=Acacia=Alpha Chi Rho Delta Phi Chapter
Founded: October 23, 1948
Chapter Website: [http://deltaphicrows.com/]
National Website: [http://www.alphachirho.org alphachirho.org]Alpha Epsilon Pi Rho Pi Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Website: http://alphaphialpha.union.rpi.edu
Alpha Phi Omega RPI's Service Fraternity, Epsilon Zeta chapter
Founded: 1947
Location: Union 3420
Website: http://apo.union.rpi.edu/Alpha Sigma Phi Beta Psi Chapter
website: [http://www.asigphi.org www.asigphi.org]Chi Phi Theta Chapter
Website: http://www.thetaofchiphi.orgDelta Phi Website: [http://rpideltaphi.awardspace.com/ Lambda Chapter of Delta Phi]
Lambda Chapter of Delta Phi has a unique history on campus that includes 3 Rensselaer presidents (including
George Low who is known for putting the first man on the moon) and about 16 structures that are named for Delta Phi alumni. No other on-campus organization has a comparable legacy.
RPI buildings named for Delta Phi alumni include:
CIIGeorge M. Low BuildingLivingston Houston FieldhouseCorneilious Barton Hall
Nason Hall
Mason Lab (no longer in existence)
Hearne Dormitory (in the e-complex)
Church I - VI
Caldwell LabDelta Tau Delta Upsilon Chapter
Website: [http://www.upsilondelts.org/]Eta Kappa Nu Kappa Alpha Psi Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Upsilon Lambda Phi Gamma Delta The Tau Nu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, also known as FIJI, was founded in 1984.
Currently located at 76 Albright Ct.
Check out the website at http://www.taunufiji.comPhi Iota Alpha Phi Kappa Tau Phi Kappa Theta Phi Mu Delta (Phi Mud)Nu Theta Chapter
Chapter Website: http://www.phimud.com/ Founded 1929
National Website: http://www.phimudelta.org/ Founded 1918
Location: [http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=224+Pawling+Ave,+Troy,+NY+12180&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=10+Eighth+Street,+Troy,+NY+12180&f=d&sll=42.718074,-73.667707&sspn=0.006274,0.017445&ie=UTF8&z=14&om=1 224 Pawling Ave.] / [http://www.cdta.org/pdfs/riding/routes/route_86%20august%202007.pdf 86 Shuttle]Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Delta Psi Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKES)Website: http://www.pikes-rpi.com/
Location : 2228 12th Street in TroyPi Kappa Phi (Castle)Website: http://www.pikappcastle.org/
Founded : 1931
Location: 49 Second Street (Paine Mansion)Pi Lambda Phi Website: http://pilambdaphi.union.rpi.edu
Founded: 1954
Location: 300 Pawling Ave."'
Psi Upsilon (Epsilon Iota Chapter)Epsilon Iota (ΕΙ) is the local
Psi Upsilon (ΨΥ) fraternity chapter at RPI.Epsilon Iota was originally a chapter of TEP (
Tau Epsilon Phi ) founded in1954 . The chapter left TEP in1978 to become a co-ed local fraternity. Epsilon Iota officially became the 37th chapter of the Psi Upsilon international fraternity in1982 , and it remains co-ed with approximately equal numbers of male and female brothers. The chapter currently maintains a house at 2140 Burdett Avenue in Troy.The Epsilon Iota Chapter holds the record for longest number of days (178) in "hockey line" at RPI, breaking the previous record of 33 days.
* [http://www.psiurpi.com Main Website]
* [http://www.orbitals.com/psiu/ Psi Upsilon Alumni Association of Troy, Inc.]Rensselaer Society of Engineers (RSE)
Founded:1866 as the Pi Eta Scientific Society.
Location: 1501 Sage Avenue, Troy, New York 12180. The society clubhouse was designed and built byBertram Grosvenor Goodhue in 1923 at a cost of $250,000.* [http://www.rsejm.org Junior Member Website]
* [http://www.rse.org Member Website]Sigma Alpha Epsilon http://www.nyepsilon.com/
Location: 12 Myrtle Ave, Troy, NY 12180
Sigma Chi Website: http://sigmachi-rpi.org
The Delta Psi Chapter of The Sigma Chi Fraternity was chartered December 2nd of 1950. Before that Sigma Chi existed on the RPI campus as a local fraternity known as Pi Epsilon Phi. Sigma Chi is currently located at 58 Pinewoods Avenue, Troy, NY 12180.
Sigma Chi's most noticeable event on campus is Derby Days-- our biggest yearly fund raiser spanning an entire week of planned activities from relay races and contests on campus to social events back at the house.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Location: 2005 15th StreetWebsite: http://www.sigepnyd.com
Tau Epsilon Phi Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi The Delta Charge of Theta Delta Chi was founded in 1853, making it RPI's first fraternity. Theta Delta Chi served as the sole fraternity on campus until the founding of Sigma Delta in 1859. The Charge had a prominent existence at Rensselaer throughout much of 19th century until its charter was surrendered in 1896 because of low membership.
Theta Xi (Alpha Chapter)Website: http://www.alphaofthetaxi.com/
Zeta Beta Tau (Zebes)Website: http://zebes.union.rpi.edu
Zeta Psi ororities
Alpha Gamma Delta Website: http://www.agd-zh.com
Alpha Phi Theta Tau ChapterAlpha Phi was founded at Syracuse University in 1872 by ten strong independent women. The Theta Tau chapter of Alpha Phi is one of over 150 chapters in both the United States and Canada. Alpha Phi's have a strong sense of belonging, in fact many choose to join alumnae chapters, become advisors, or work for the fraternity after their undergraduate days are over. Alpha Phi is one of only 3 international sororities here at Rensselaer. The Theta Tau chapter is a group of independent women bonded together and committed to friendship, scholarship, and womanhood.
Website: http://alphaphi.union.rpi.edu
Alpha Omega Epsilon AΩE is a social and professional engineering and technical science sorority.
Website: http://aoe.union.rpi.edu/
Founded: April 23, 2006
Pi Beta Phi Website: http://pibetaphi.union.rpi.edu
Sigma Delta Website: http://sigmadelta.union.rpi.edu
External links
* [http://www.union.rpi.edu RPI Union]
* [http://ifc.union.rpi.edu Interfraternity Council (IFC)]
* [http://panhel.union.rpi.edu/ Panhellenic Council]
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