

The Pillan (of Mapudungun origin; singular "pillán" and plural "pillanes" in Spanish) is a powerful and respected male spirit in Mapuche mythology.


The Pillan are good spirits, but they can also cause disasters, since they also punish (or they allow the "wekufe" to punish) with drought or flood, earthquakes, or diseases.

"Antü" is the most powerful Pillan, who governs the others. In the Mapuche tradition, a man that follows the laws of the "admapu" can also become a Pillan after death. The Mapuche perform a "ngillatun" ceremony for the Pillan, for the latter to grant benefits to the people, and to thank them for their gifts.

The Pillan have been described as spirits that live in the "Wenumapu" (a spiritual world of good), and those that inhabit the earth generally live inside the volcanoes. (Example: Osorno and Quetrupillán Volcano).

The accompanying female spirits of the Pillan are the Wangulen spirits.

Name Usage

The name Pillan was used by ENAER to name their 2 seat trainer aircraft, the T-35 Pillan


: Alberto Trivero, Trentrenfilú, (in Spanish). Proyecto de Documentación Ñuke Mapu.(1999).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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