

drive2gether is an Open-source software, free of charge, without advertisement on the website and being developed for Non-profit, Environmental purposes, Web-Platform based agency for arranged lifts.

Vision & About drive2gether

Since there are already a good number of agencies for arranged lifts, the question is: Why should anybody want to develop another one? The next five points should answer the question and tell you about drive2gether and it’s vision.

Free of Charge

Every time we go with a car from one city to another we pay some sum of money for that. Many of us prefer to pay less or even nothing, and this can be achieved with agencies of arranged lifts. Some of the agencies offer their services for free and some charge some money. drive2gether doesn’t charge any money, it’s completely free of charge. Though you may make a charity.


The drive2gether Website won't have any kind of advertisement. This way the user will be able to enjoy drive2gether's services without being bothered by annoying ads. It will also help to make the Website user-friendlier, (instead of wasting time on planning where to place the advertisement or how to shrink a specific user requested feature between the ads, the developers will have the whole screen for their creativity). But there will be a set of links in the Link page for drive2gether supporting organisations.
You can make sure how inconvenient are the advertisements on agencies of arranged lifts by checking out already existing ones.

NoN Profit Organisation and Donations

drive2gether is a Non Profit Organisation, which consists of volunteers. Since drive2gether doesn't charge their users and doesn't allow any advertisement on the website, there is the possibility of making a donation for further maintenance and development of drive2gether.

Free Open Source Source Code

drive2gether is Open Source and the Source Code is released under the Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1).
drive2gether should give as much advantage for the society as possible, that is one of the reasons, why the source code is given for free for anybody to use. In this way the implemented features can be used over and over again in many other projects, whereby the used intellectual energy won’t have to be used for the same problem over and over again.
There are many other advantages of having drive2gether as Open-source software. For instance, when somebody finds a bug in the website, this individual can try to remove it on her/his own. Other developers can find security or any other kind of problems in the already existing Source Code by just reviewing it and correcting the problem. Of course this could also be used negatively.

=Developers = Volunteers=

Anybody who has interest can join the community and help in developing drive2gether further, starting with some small features to really complex tools. Also any other help is welcome, for instance making some nice symbols (symbols like smoker or non-smoker etc) or making sure General Standard Terms and Conditions are correct and so on.


There is no certain age, status or any other kind of targeted audience. People can use drive2gether because of variety of reasons (cheapness, environment, interest in getting to know new people etc). drive2gether is focusing mainly on the end-user. For example, there will be a priority list of features/tools, which will be waiting to be implemented in drive2gether. The priorities will be set by the end-user (if they want to do it) for each feature/tool. The end-users themselves will have the opportunity to give ideas for features/tools. Of course the technical failures of the Website or some critical (security etc.) updates will have the priority over the user feature/tool list.Basically the end user herself/himself can give ideas or/and develop drive2gether.


The Project started on March 2006 in the University of Applied Science Technikum-WienThe place where drive2gether got started - " [ University of Applied Science Technikum-Wien] ] ., Vienna, Austria. drive2gether was developed within the Project-Work subject framework, where students are allowed to choose their own projects, they want to work on during the semester. drive2gether was started in summer semester of 2006 (02-06.2006) and it was continued in the next two semesters. drive2gether was registered on SourceForge on 2007.01.15. Project members according to the project elapsed time: Clemens Kiang (2006.03-2006.06)
Birol Efe (2006.03-2006.06)
Dzintars Kalnins (dzinch) (2006.03-?)
Rainer Bertl (2006.10-?)
Yasser Aranian (2006.10-?)
Ali Khosravi Doust (2006.10-?)


At the moment is being used as the central place of administration, management, coordination and development of drive2gether.At the moment the project is being set forward in [ Technikum-Wien] by 4 of its students. Besides that, further information to development you can find in [http://www.] .


External links

* - main developments place

Other Agencies For Arranged Lifts










Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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