

Thalia can refer to four distinct entities in Greek mythology, two of whom were daughters of Zeus, and a third of whom bore him sons. The name Thalia, or Thaleia, ( /θə'laɪə/) is spelled "Θάλεια" in Greek and derives from the same stem as "θάλλειν" "to bloom".

The Muse

Thalia was a rustic goddess, the Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry. In this context, her name meansflourishing,” because the praises in her songs flourish through time. [ [ Theoi Project - Mousa Thaleia] ] Thalia was the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the eighth-born of the nine Muses. Her children by Apollo were the Corybantes. In art, Thalia was portrayed holding a comic mask, a shepherds staff, or a wreath of ivy.

The Grace

The Grace Thalia was the goddess of banquets and other festivities. In this context, her name means "rich" or "abundant". Thalias father was Zeus; her mother was Eurynome. She is also portrayed as the half-blood daughter of Zeus and a mortal. Thalia was described as fair-cheeked and beautiful. [ [ Theoi Project - Kharis Thalia] ] She is the goddess of bountifulness and bloom. [ [] ]


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  • Thalia — (lat. dt. [taˈliːa]; altgriechisch Θάλεια [ˈtʰaleːa], vom griechischen thallō ‚blühen‘) bezeichnet in der griechischen Mythologie: Thalia (Muse), Muse der komischen Dichtung und der Unterhaltung Thalia (Charis), eine der drei Chariten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • THALIa — una ex IX. Musis, ἀπὶ τοῦ θάλλειν, virere, seu florere, quod Poetarum fama nullô tempore marcescat. Horatius argutam eam appellat, l. 4. Carm. Od. 6. v. 25. Statius vero lascivam, l. 2. Sylv. 1. v. 116. Inventrix Geometriae et Agriculturae… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Thalīa [1] — Thalīa, 1) eine Nereïde; 2) eine der Grazien[438] (Charitinnen, s.d.); 3) eine der neun Musen (s.d. h), welcher als Beschützerin des Schauspiels die Theater (daher Tempelder Th. genannt) geweiht sind; 4) der 23. der Planetoiden, von Hind zu… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Thalia — Tha*li a, n. [L., fr. Gr. Qa leia, originally, blooming, luxuriant, akin to qa llein to be luxuriant.] (Class. Myth.) (a) That one of the nine Muses who presided over comedy. (b) One of the three Graces. (c) One of the Nereids. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thalīa [2] — Thalīa; 1) (Th. Brown.), Abtheilung der Seescheidengattung Doppelreiher, s.d. a); 2) Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Cannaceae, 1. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; Arten: Th. dealbata, Th. geniculata u.a.m., südamerikanische Zierpflanzen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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