- Epopeus
Epopeus (Ἐποπεύς) was a mythical Greek king of
Sicyon , with an archaic bird-name that linked him to "epops" (έποψ), thehoopoe , the "watcher". ["Now the long list of Sicyonian kings which we find in Pausanias touches on bird lore at more than one juncture", Noel Robertson observes, in "Callimachus' Tale of Sicyon ('SH' 238)" "Phoenix" 53.1/2 (Spring 1999:57-79): a previous king at Sicyon was "Korax", the "raven" king, son of "Koronos" (Pausanias 2.5.8), the "crow" king who was born of a love-match ofApollo , to whom the crow belonged; a later king at Sicyon took as a bride Φηνω, the "vulture" (Pausanias 2.6.5); in other locales one might compareTereus , transformed into a hoopoe (Pausanias, 1.41.9); andCeleus , the "woodpecker" king in Eleusis— and indeed the LatinPicus , also a "woodpecker" king.] A fragment ofCallimachus ' "Aitia" ("Origins") appears to ask, "Why, at Sicyon, is it the hoopoe, and not the usual "splendid ravens", that is the bird of good omen?" [The fragment is interpreted so by Noel Robertson, "Callimachus' Tale of Sicyon ('SH' 238)" "Phoenix" 53.1/2 (Spring 1999:57-79); Robertson continues by elucidating Epopeus.]Epopeus was in fact the most memorable king at Sicyon, who features in
Euripides ' "Antiope ". He founded a sanctuary ofAthena on the Sicyonianacropolis where he performed victory rites, clebrating his victory over Theban intruders. Athena caused olive oil to flow before the shrine.Pausanias saw at Titane, in Sicyonia, an altar and in front of it a
tumulus raised to the hero Epopeus and, near to the barrow-tomb, the "Gods of Aversion"— the "apotropai"— "before whom are performed the ceremonies which the Hellenes observe for the averting of evils". [Pausanias, 2.11.1.] In the etiological myth that accounted for the origin of rituals propitiating the "daimon " of Epopeus, it was told thatZeus impregnated Antiope and she fled in shame (for she was married toNycteus ) to Epopeus, king of Sicyon, abandoning her children,Amphion and Zethus . They were exposed onMount Cithaeron , but, in a familiarmytheme , were found and brought up by a shepherd. Nycteus, unable to retrieve his wife, sent his brother Lycus to take her. He did so and gave her as a slave to his own wife,Dirce .Nycteus signifies "of the night", as does Nyctimene in the following variant: according to anecdotal Roman tellings by
Gaius Julius Hyginus ["Fabulae" 204 and 253] and inOvid 's "Metamorphoses" (ii.590), an Epopeus was a king ofLesbos . He had sexual intercourse with his "nocturnal" daughterNyctimene , whomMinerva (as she was in theseLatin versions) in pity transformed into an owl, explicitly the bird that shuns the daylight. [See also Hyginus, "Fabula" 204]Notes
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