- Axis of Eve
Axis of Eve is a political organization based in the
United States , whose name is a play on words mocking US PresidentGeorge W. Bush 's "Axis of Evil " epithet forIran ,Iraq andNorth Korea . They describe themselves as "a coalition of brazen women on a mission to EXPOSE and DEPOSE President Select George W. Bush." During the Republican Convention in New York City, they organized a "mass flash" demonstration, where the assembled activists would show off theirpanties . In another play on words, the protestors use a "double entendre " on the phrase "expose bush", referring to political action against the President, as well as the action of showing off a woman's pubic area.According to their website [http://www.axisofeve.org/index.php] : "Axis of Eve reclaims women’s bodies as instruments for positive politics and regime change. The mass flash is a demand for transparency and accountability. We bare our protest panties to boldly call for an end to political cover-ups."
External links
* http://www.axisofeve.org/
* [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/05/23/INGVR6O5481.DTL "Axis of Eve is just beating around the Bush"] Sunday, May 23, 2004 - San Francisco Chronicle
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.