

Shayan Chowdhury Arnob (Bangla: শায়ান চৌধুরী অর্ণব), better known by his nickname Arnob; also spelled Ornob) is a Bangladeshi performer who has, in the recent years, gained widespread popularity in Bangladesh. He is an expert executer of Esraj; a string instrument of north-eastern part of India.


Arnob completed graduation in Fine Arts and Masters in Graphic Designing from Patha Bhavana, Shanti Niketan, where he met his wife Sahana Bajpaie, who is also a singer.

Band & Albums

Arnob is a member of the bands Bangla and Prayer Hall. In addition, he has also released three solo albums. The debut album as a solo artist was "Chaina Bhabish", followed by "Hok Kolorob" [cite web |url= |title=Interview with Arnob |publisher=New Age |date=2005-06-27 |accessdate=2007-04-23] . His third album is called "Doob". Hok Kolorob was a compilation of songs he and his friends had written during their years in Santiniketan. A combination of poetic lyrics and sophisticated melodies has earned Arnob a large fan base among Bangladesh's music listeners. He has also composed the music for Sahana Bajpaie's Rabindra Sangeet album "Notun Kore Pabo Bolay" and for Krishnonoli's album of original songs titled "Surje Badhi Basha." He also contributes to the theme songs and advertisements on Bangla satellite channels (Flat no 40, Sporshe'r Baire).


He is working as a CEO in Bengal Music Company Ltd


His father Shapan Chowdhury was a member of the team which sang songs for the freedom fighters of Bangladesh in 1971, which was shown in the documentry "Muktir Gaan". His uncle Tapan Chowdhury is also a famous singer.


External links

* [ "Giving timeless songs a new sound" – The Daily Star web edition]
* [ " Interpreting Tagore" –]
* [ "TÊTE-À-TÊTE" – New Age]
* [ Ornob's Music]

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