André Levret

André Levret

André Levret (1703-1780) was a French obstetrician who practised medicine in Paris. He was a contemporary of famed English obstetrician William Smellie (1697-1763), and along with Jean-Louis Baudelocque (1745-1810) helped advance the science of obstetrics in 18th century France.

Levret is considered by many the most influential figure in 18th century French obstetrics. He was honored for his rational approach to obstetrical operations which he described in his book "L'art des Accouchements". He published several other works in obstetrics and attracted students from all over Europe. He is remembered for his work concerning breech maneuvers and Caesarean sections. He also improved the birth forceps by modifying the "pelvic curve" of the instruments' blades.

The classical procedure for assisted breech delivery was once called the "Mauriceau-Levret manipulation", named after Levret and physician François Mauriceau (1637-1709). This procedure was also referred to as "Lachapelle’s manoeuvre", named after midwife Marie-Louise Lachapelle (1769-1821). []


* [ Dittrick Medical History Center, André Levret]

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