- Arcandam
Arcandam was a celebrated
astrological pseudonym of the sixteenth century, under which books of predictions were published in Latin and French from about 1540. [The "Arcandam doctor peritissimus ac non vulgaris astrologus" dates from 1541. [http://cura.free.fr/docum/10catAB.html] ] [English translations were available from 1562, and continued in editions into the 1640s.] The name was still in use in the 1630s. It is assumed thatRichard Roussat , a canon and physician ofLyon whose name appears on the early works as editor, was the author of the early works.The best known of the Arcandam books is the "Livre de l'estat et mutation des temps" of 1550. This formed one of the sources for the prophecies of
Nostradamus . [Available online: [http://jclbernard.9online.fr/nostra/proph066.htm] , in translation into modern French.]There are some secondary pseudonyms/attributions appearing alongside Arcandam: Aleandrin, Aleandrinus, Aleandram, Alcandrin, Alcandrinus (perhaps suggesting Alkindus,
Al-Kindi ).References
*Max Jacob et Conrad Moricand (1949) Miroir d'astrologie contenant des extraits du livre d'Arcandam
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