

Paletten is Sweden's oldest and longest-running art magazine, now in its seventh decade of continuous production. It is published in Swedish four times a year by Stiftelsen Paletten (The Paletten Foundation), located in Gothenburg.

Initially Paletten concerned itself primarily with local issues but, in the course of time, broadened its aims to include national and international art. Paletten portrays the art scene, presents artists and their work and initiates discussions, almost always as an alternative to mainstream culture. Issues of the periodical are often devoted to particular themes or subjects: everything from trends and theories in art to problems connected with government art policy. Paletten collaborates with selected artists in producing each new issue.


The periodical is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, where it was founded in 1940. For many years it was produced by the Gothenburg Artists Club. Among the first members of its editorial staff were painters Nils Nilsson and Ragnar Sandberg of the [ Göteborgskoloristerna group] as well as Hjalmar Eldh and C.T. Holmström. The first editor in chief of the magazine was Gunnar Wallin.

In addition to its primary focus on art, Paletten has also published poems and essays by leading Swedish authors including Erik Blomberg, Karin Boye, Gunnar Ekelöf and Nobel Prize laureate Harry Martinson. Editors of Paletten have included Torsten Bergmark, Rabbe Enckell, Folke Edwards, Leif Nylén, Gertrud Gustavsson (Sandqvist), Hans Johansson and Isabella Nilsson. From 19711978 Håkan Wettre produced the periodical as managing editor. From the mid 1990s Paletten worked with guest editors who were curators, artists or critics and who brought an individual touch to each issue. These editors included Maria Lind, Ernst Billgren, Jan Håfström, John Sundkvist, Peter Cornell, Tom Sandqvist, Jan-Erik Lundström and Mika Hannula. From 2002 there have again been regular editors: Cecilia Gelin, Anna van der Vliet and, currently, art critic Sophie Allgårdh.

Issue 265, released September 2006, concentrated on the theme "Desire and Exoticism". Issue 266, released January 2007, concerns itself with arts education, and more particularly with the status of the independent artist vs. the dictates of the Bologna Process. It also contains articles on Queer Pedagogy, [ Wang Qingsong] , Dan Graham, Thomas Hirschhorn, and Herzog & de Meuron at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. A double issue on the energetic young art scene in Gothenburg was released in September 2007. "Theme Gothenburg" included the first comprehensive coverage to the internationally exhibited Swedish/Iranian artist Mandana Moghaddam.

External links

* [ Paletten website]

Editorial and Production Staff

EDITOR IN CHIEFSophie Allgårdh

ASSISTANT LECTURER: Christian Chambert


OFFICEGunilla Hyltén-Cavallius

tiftelsen Paletten


BOARD OF DIRECTORSMarie Bergdahl,Johan Brink,Christina Hjorth,Arne Kjell Vikhagen

References and Commentary

* [ Paletten in Swedish Nationalencyklopedin]

(English translation) The art periodical Paletten was founded in 1939 by the Gothenburg Artists' Club and is now published four times a year by the Paletten Foundation. Formerly Paletten was primarily concerned with younger artists from the west of Sweden but the present ambition is to cover art throughout Sweden and to survey contemporary international art.

* [ Aftonbladet] 2 October 2006, writer: Ulrika Stahre

(English translation) The world is full of remarkable feats. One such is the Berlin artist Stefan Thiel's work in converting the Marquis de Sade's book 120 Days of Sodom into Braille. The new number of the art periodical Paletten concerns itself with passions and desires, and exoticism. Refreshing to read a sample of de Sade's text -- "the desire to destroy the sun and set the world afire" -- in Hans Johansson's pioneering translation.

Commentary (in Swedish):

[] [] [] [] [] [] [,2789,791122,00.html] [] []

cover, first issue, 1940

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