Richard H. Elliott

Richard H. Elliott

Richard H. Elliott (known as Rick Elliott) (born 1954) is a Canadian businessman. He is the current president of McKeough Supply, a Canadian HVAC, plumbing and industrial PVF wholesale distributor which was founded in 1847.

Born in Brantford, Ontario, he started as a delivery man at McKeough Supply straight out of highschool. Climbing the ranks to eventually becomes the companies president where he has sat for over 10 years.

Elliott sat as the Chairman of the board for the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH) in 2005. CIPH is the major voice representing the interest of companies that manufacture, sell and distribute, plumbing, hydronic heating, Industrial PVF, waterworks products and services. Elliott will sit as the CIPH Treasurer in 2007.

Elliott currently sits as a director of the Industrial Pipe Valve and Fittings Council(IPVF Council). The IPVF mission is to promote the responsible growth and prosperity of the Manufacturers, their Sales Agents, the Wholesaler Distributors and their customers in the IPVF industry.

Charity Efforts

Elliott is heavily involved in fundraising efforts for the Joy and Hope of Haiti, the main focus of the Joy and Hope of Haiti is building elementary schools in the Cap Haitian area of northern Haiti. The schools each have 6 classrooms and hold approximately 200 children, grades 1 - 6.

More specifically Elliott in involved in the Joy and Hope Of Haiti's 100 Holes for Haiti golf event, where golfers play a marathon of 100 holes of golf on a closed course, from dawn ‘til dusk, raising money for the Charity. Those who partake in the event are mostly successful business people from the Hamilton, Ontario area.

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