Statute of Labourers 1351

Statute of Labourers 1351

The Statute of labourers was a law enacted by the English parliament under King Edward III in 1351 in response to a labour shortage. It was introduced by Sir John Halles.

The Black Death, which killed approximately one-third of the population of Europe, caused a dramatic decrease in the supply of labour. Landowners suddenly faced a sharp increase in competition for workers. Labourers had increased bargaining power and commanded higher wages. The increase in labour cost also led to inflation throughout the economy. The elite class lamented the sudden shift in economic power. In an attempt to control labour costs and price levels, Edward issued the Ordinance of Labourers in 1349. [23 Edw. 3] Parliament attempted to reinforce the Ordinance with the Statute of Labourers.

The statute set a maximum wage for laborers that is commensurate to wages paid before the Black Death. These changes, however, failed to take into account the changing economic conditions during the Black Death, and furthermore the period from which wage levels were taken was one of economic depression in England as a result of The Hundred Years' War. Therefore, wages during the Black Death were set even lower to match those during this depression. [E. B. Fryde and N. Fryde "Peasant Rebellion and Peasant Discontent" in E. Miller (ed.) "The Agrarian History of England and Wales: Vol. III 1348-1500", Cambridge, 1991, p. 756.] It also mandated that able-bodied men and women work, and imposed harsh penalties for those who remained idle. In practice, the statute was poorly enforced and unsuccessful, but it set a precedent that distinguished between laborers who were "able in body" to work and those who could not work for whatever reasons. This distinguishing resurfaced in later laws regarding poverty.

The Ordinance of Labourers and Statute of Labourers were, of course, very unpopular with the peasants who wanted higher wages and a better life, and was a contributing factor to subsequent peasant revolts, most notably the English peasants' revolt of 1381. Similar processes happened throughout Europewage caps following a labor shortage after the Black Death resulting in popular revolts.


External links

* [ Text of the statute]
* [ Another source of the text]
* [ Another source, annotated, see (D)]

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