Sabine Kuegler

Sabine Kuegler

Sabine Kuegler (born December 25, 1972 in Patan, Nepal) is a German author. Her two books are related to her uncommon childhood: from age 7 to age 17 she lived with her parents and two siblings in the jungle of West Papua, with the remote tribe of the Fayu. [Elizabeth Grice: [ 'I don't know where home is'] . "The Daily Telegraph", 20 September 2005]

Her parents were the first whites to live with the newly discovered tribe of about 400 people, who still hunted with bow and arrow, ate snakes, insects and worms, and practiced inter-tribal warfare and revenge killings. The Kueglers were there to study the tribe's language and to evangelize, under assignment of the Wycliffe Bible Translators. [ "Dschungelkind" - Buch von Sabine Kügler schürt Mythos vom "edlen Wilden"] , press release of the "Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker", 18 February 2005. (German)] Her mother, trained as a nurse, performed midwife duties with the tribe. At age 17, Sabine Kuegler left and attended a Swiss boarding school. She has been married and divorced twice and has four children, two from each husband. Her parents still live with the tribe.

Her best-selling first book "Dschungelkind" (Droemer Knaur, München 2005, ISBN 3-426-27361-6) describes her experiences in the two different cultures and her occasional nostalgia for the simpler, slower life of the tribe. An English translation ("Jungle Child", ISBN 1-84408-261-X) appeared in the same year. Her second book, "Ruf des Dschungels" (Droemer Knaur, München 2006, ISBN 3-426-27393-4) describes a visit to the Fayu that she undertook in late 2005.

The German "Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker" criticized her first book, claiming that it romanticized the life of the Fayu and pointing out that it failed to mention the human rights violations of the Indonesian government against Papua peoples, and their endangerement by clearing of the jungle and industrial projects. In her second book and in public appearances, Sabine Kuegler has since emphasized these political issues and has aimed to be spokesperson for the threatened Fayu. [ [,4070,4077821-6-wm_1500,00.html Das Dschungelkind kehrt zurück] , "ZDF Mittagsmagazin", 20 November 2006. (Video, German)]


External links

* [ Sabine Kuegler] , profile, interview and book extract at Virago Press
* [ BBC Interview] , 21 September 2005
* [ BBC Interview] , 28 December 2005
* [ Book review of "Jungle Child"] , "Perceptive Travel online magazine", March/April 2007
* [ Interview] Daily Telegraph 20.9.2005
* [ English website for the book "Jungle Child".]
* [ German website for the book "Dschungelkind" ("Jungle Child").]
* [ Website of Sabine's sister Judith] , containing information on their childhood.

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