Abeille Bourbon

Abeille Bourbon

The Abeille Bourbon is a high seas salvage tug, 80 metres long with a tractive power of 200 tonnes, a crew of 12, designed by Norwegian naval architect Sigmund Borgundvaag.It was baptised by Bernadette Chirac on 13 April 2005 in the presence of its sponsor Jacques de Chateauvieux. It is based in Brest, France.

"Abeille Bourbon" is owned by Abeilles International, a unit of Groupe Bourbon. The crew is made up of sailors of the merchant marine. It is chartered to the French government and can be called upon by the Maritime Prefect of Brest at any time.

The "Abeille Liberté" is a sister ship of "Abeille Bourbon".

Notable operations

* Towing "Rokia Delmas" in October 2006Fact|date=June 2008 .
* Towing "MSC Napoli" in January 2007Fact|date=June 2008 .


* Jacques Carney, "L'Abeille Bourbon relève l'Abeille Flandre", in "Navires et Marine marchande" hors-série Sauvetage en mer, September 2005.

External links

* [http://www.ouessant.org/sitefr/trad/pag2cf.html Ouessant.org - Abeille Bourbon]
* [http://www.netmarine.net/g/bat/abeillebourbon/index.htm NetMarine - Abeille Bourbon]

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