- Calkin algebra
functional analysis , the Calkin algebra is the quotient of "B"("H"), the ring ofbounded linear operator s on a separable infinite-dimensionalHilbert space "H", by the ideal "K"("H") of compact operators.Since the compact operators is a (in fact, the only) maximal norm-closed ideal in "B"("H"), the Calkin algebra is simple.
As a quotient of two
C* algebra s, the Calkin algebra is a C* algebra itself. There is ashort exact sequence :0 ightarrow K(H) ightarrow B(H) ightarrow B(H)/K(H) ightarrow 0which induces an exact sequence inK-theory . Those operators in "B"("H") which are mapped to an invertible element of the Calkin algebra are calledFredholm operator s, and theirindex can be described both using K-theory and directly. One can conclude, for instance, that the collection of unitary operators in the Calkin algebra are homotopy classes indexed by the integers Z. This is in contrast to "B"("H"), where the unitary operators are path connected.As a C* algebra, the Calkin algebra is remarkable because it is not isomorphic to an algebra of operators on a separable Hilbert space; instead, a larger Hilbert space has to be chosen (the
GNS theorem says that every C* algebra is isomorphic to an algebra of operators on a Hilbert space; for many other simple C* algebras, there are explicit descriptions of such Hilbert spaces, but for the Calkin algebra, this is not the case).The same name is now used for the analogous construction for a
Banach space .References
*Calkin, J.W. (1941)."Two-sided ideals and congruences in the ring of bounded operators in Hilbert space". "
Annals of Mathematics ", 42, 839-873.
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