List of Prem Rawat-related topics

List of Prem Rawat-related topics

This list is of topics related to Prem Rawat (Maharaji).


* Hans Ram Singh Rawat, known as Hans Ji Maharaj, father

Notable students, past and present

* Jonathan Cainer, astrologer ,Fact|date=April 2008
* Sophia Collier, author of the book ""
* Rennie Davis, prominent American anti-Vietnam War protest leader of the 1960s
* Timothy Gallwey, author of the series of books "The Inner Game" [du Plessix Gray, Francine, "Blissing Out In Houston", New York Review of Books, December 13, 1973]
* Ron Geaves, scholar
* Jimmie Dale Gilmore, singer songwriter
* John Grefe, chess master
* Jenny McLeod, composer


* Marta Robles (2006), Spanish journalist and writer (See also )
* Rajiv Mehrotra, Doordarshan TV, (2006)
* Carmen Posadas, writer, (2004)
* Burt Wolf (2000)
* Tom Snyder, The Tomorrow Show, (1973)
* John Wood, the Boston Globe (1973)


* Andrea Cagan, best-selling American writer and biographer.

Scholarly analysts

;Students of Prem Rawat:
* Lucy DuPertuis
* Ron Geaves, senior Lecturer, Programme Leader and Chair in religious studies at the University of Chester in England
* Jeanne Messer

* David V. Barrett, American author that has written on religious and esoteric topics
* James V. Downton, professor at Sacramento State College and professor emeritus of Sociology at the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Colorado at Boulder
* George D. Chryssides, senior lecturer and Head of Religious Studies at the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences of the University of Wolverhampton
* Daniel A. Foss
* Marc Galanter
* Jeffrey K. Hadden, Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia
* Stephen J. Hunt, British professor of sociology at the University of the West of England
* Andrew Kopkind, radical American journalist.
* Stephen A. Kent, Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta
* Reender Kranenborg, Dutch Theologian specialized in sociology of religion and Hinduism
* Jan van der Lans, Dutch professor in the psychology of religion at the Catholic University of Nijmegen
* Ralph Larkin
* Saul V. Levine, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and author
* J. Gordon Melton, American religious scholar and research specialist in religion and New Religious Movements at the University of California, Santa Barbara
* Paul Schnabel, Dutch sociologist and director of Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau of the Dutch government
* Margaret Singer, clinical psychologist and adjunct professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, U.S.
* Bryan R. Wilson, Reader Emeritus in Sociology at the University of Oxford and President of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion


* "Lord of the Universe", documentary, 1974, won a DuPont-Columbia Award
* "Words of Peace" TV series


* "Sacred Journeys"
* "Soul Rush"
* "Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?"


* Elan Vital
* Divine Light Mission
* Divine United Organization/Raj Vidya Kender


* Teachings of Prem Rawat




Other articles of interest

* Advait Mat
* Charismatic authority
* Guru
* Kriya
* Perfect Master
* Sant Mat
* Satguru
* Shabd
* Surat Shabda Yoga


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