- Entolomataceae
name = Entolomataceae
status = Secure
image_caption = "E. sinuatum"
Piacenza's Appennino,Italy
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
subclassis =Hymenomycete s
ordo =Agaricales
familia = Entolomataceae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Clitopilus " "Alboleptonia " "Eccilia " "Entoloma " "Inopilus " "Nolanea " "Leptonia " "Rhodocybe " "Rhodocybella " "Cloudopus " "Pouzarella " "Rhodogaster " "Rhodophana " "Richoniella " The Entolomataceae, also known as "Rhodophyllacae" are a large family of pink spored terrestrial gilled mushrooms which includes the genera "Entoloma ", "Leptonia ", "Nolanea ", and "Clitopilus ". Mushrooms in the Entolomataceae typically grow in woodlands or grassy areas and have attached gills, differentiating them from the "Pluteaceae " which have free gills.Members of the "Entolomataceae" are unusual in that they have spores which are angular and colored dull red, pinkish, salmon, or buff.
One notable member is the edible Miller mushroom ("
Clitopilus prunulus "). Many members of the "Entolomataceae" are poisonous and most are very obscure and difficult to properly identify. Several are dangerously poisonous and responsible for a number of poisonings over the years, including "Entoloma sinuatum " of Europe and North America, and "E. rhodopolium" in Japan.External links
* [http://entoloma.nl/html/engels.html Machiel Noordeloos on "Entoloma" & "Rhodocybe"]
* [http://www.ilmyco.gen.chicago.il.us/Taxa/EntolFamil642.html The "Entolomataceae" Family]
* [http://www.hiddenforest.co.nz/fungi/family/entolomataceae/entolomataceae.htm Family: "Entolomataceae"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.