Graceful labeling

Graceful labeling

In graph theory, a graceful labeling of a graph with "n" vertices and "e" edges is a labeling of its vertices with distinct integers between 0 and "e" inclusive, such that each edge is uniquely identified by the positive, or absolute difference between its endpoints.Virginia Vassilevska, "Coding and Graceful Labeling of trees." SURF 2001. [ PostScript] ] A graph which admits a graceful labeling is called a graceful graph.

The name "graceful labeling" is due to Solomon W. Golomb; this class of labelings was originally given the name β-labelings by Alex Rosa in a 1967 paper on graph labelings.Alex Rosa, "On certain valuations of the vertices of a graph." "Theory of Graphs" (International Symposium, Rome, July 1966), Gordon and Breach, N.Y. and Dunod Paris. (1967) 349–355]

A major unproven conjecture in graph theory is the Ringel-Kotzig conjecture, which hypothesizes that all trees are graceful. (The Ringel-Kotzig conjecture is also known as "Von Koch's conjecture" [] and the "graceful labeling conjecture".) Kotzig once called the effort to prove the conjecture a "disease".C. Huang, A. Kotzig, and A. Rosa, "Further results on tree labellings". "Utilitas Mathematica", 21c (1982) 31–48; cited in Gallian, 1998]

elected results

*In his original paper, Rosa proved that no Eulerian graph with order equivalent to 1 or 2 (mod 4) is graceful.
*All paths and caterpillar graphs are graceful.
*All lobster graphs with a perfect matching are graceful."Von Koch's conjecture", Usenet post to sci.math.research by Jim Nastos, 2003. [] ]
*All trees with at most 27 vertices are graceful; this result was shown by Aldred and McKay using a computer program. Joseph A. Gallian, "A Dynamic Survey of Graph Labeling." The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 5 (1998). MathSciNet|id=1668059 [ PDF] , updated 2008] [R. E. L. Aldred, B. D. McKay, "Graceful and harmonious labellings of trees", "Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications" 23 (1998), 69–72 MathSciNet|id=1621760]
*All wheel graphs, web graphs, Helm graphs, gear graphs, and rectangular grids are graceful.
*All "n"-dimensional hypercubes are graceful.Anton Kotzig. "Decomposition of complete graphs into isomorphic cubes", "Journal of Combinatoric Theory", Series B, 31 (1981) 292–296 MathSciNet |id=0638285; cited in Gallian, 1998]
*All simple graphs with four or fewer vertices are graceful. The only non-graceful simple graphs with five vertices are the 5-cycle (pentagon); the complete graph "K"5; and a "bow-tie" graph on five vertices, consisting of two triangles joined at one vertex.mathworld|title=Graceful graph|urlname=GracefulGraph]

ee also

*Edge-graceful labeling
*List of conjectures


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