Global Career Development Facilitator

Global Career Development Facilitator

The Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) certification is an evolution of the Career Development Facilator (CDF) certification developed by the National Career Development Association (NCDA), National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC), and the Center for Credentialing in Education (CCE), an affiliate of the National Board for Certified Counselors (Center for Credentialing in Education, 1997). The certification recognized both formally trained career counselors (those who hold a master's degree or higher in counseling) and career facilitators who have some training in career counseling-related skills, but do not meet criteria for state licensure as a professional counselor.


GCDF training is built around 12 core competencies identified by career counseling experts. A period of supervised career facilitation practice also is required prior to certification. The 12 competency areas addressed in GCDF training are Helping Skills, Labor Market Information and Resources, Assessment, Diverse Populations, Ethical and Legal Issues, Career Development Models, Employability Skills, Training Clients and Peers, Program Management and Implementation, Promotion and Public Relations, Technology, and Supervision (Brawley, 2002; National Career Development Association, 2007; Splete & Hoppin, 2000). In light of cultural concerns with the development of the GCDF outside the United States, the tasks within each of the competency areas are adapted to meet the needs of a particular country's context.

In the United States, GCDFs are sometimes still recognized as CDFs and work in government agencies and employment offices, in private practice as "coaches," and in colleges and universities (Splete & Hoppin, 2000). One of the more auspicious places GCDFs are found in the United States is Career One Stop Centers, which are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. The GCDFs at centers like these work with people who are making career transitions. Also, in 2006, the state of South Carolina passed legislation requiring all middle and secondary schools to have a career facilitation and guidance services available to students.

The GCDF certification program for career guidance providers has been implemented in Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Romania, and Turkey.


Brawley, K. (2002). "Working ahead": The National One-Stop Workforce System and Career Development Facilitator curriculum training for instructors. In "Careers Across America 2002: Best Practices and Ideas in Career Development Conference Proceedings" (pp. 27-32). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED465911)

Center for Credentialing in Education. (2007). "Global Career Development Facilitator". Retrieved January, 18 2007 from

National Career Development Association. (2007). "What is a career development facilitator"? Retrieved January, 17 2007 from

Splete, H. H., & Hoppin, J. (2000). The emergence of career development facilitators. "Career Development Quarterly, 48", 340-347.

External links

* [ Center for Credentialing in Education]
* [ National Career Development Association]
* [ United States Department of Labor]
* [ DOL One Stop Career Centers]

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