

A roster can be a list of people and the times when they are required to work. See schedule (workplace).

A roster may also mean a list of people who participate in an event. Although rosters can be associated with non-competitive events, they are most commonly associated with athletics.

Examples could be a team roster or depth chart in which the person's place on the team would be decided. The names of the places on a roster can be such terms as "Starter" or "Backup", or for American football, "First String", "Second String", or "Third String".

A Roster can also be a fleet Roster. Like for bus companies. The list of buses on the fleet and where they are assigned is the fleet Roster. By make, model and number. As well as the year the bus was built.

ee also

*Developmental roster
*CANADEM Civilian Roster
*Roster is also the name of the contact list for the Instant Messaging Protocol Jabber/XMPP.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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