Alta Moda

Alta Moda

Alta Moda were a Canadian funk-rock band in the 1980s.

Formed in 1979 in Toronto, Ontario, the band originally consisted of singer Molly Johnson and guitarist Norman Orenstein. Drummer Steven Gelineau and bassist Etric Lyons were added in 1982 and 1983 respectively.

The band eventually signed to CBS Records and released their debut album in 1987. Although the album spawned the hit single "Julian", sales suffered from lack of airplay. The band were quickly dropped from their label.

The band continued to perform live, on the lookout for another deal, Orenstein writing and producing and Johnson performing as well with a band who later became known as Big Sugar.

Johnson and Orenstein reunited in 1990 as Infidels, who had a similar sound to Alta Moda's but were somewhat more successful on the charts.

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