- Wentletrap
image_caption = Two shells of "Epitonium humphreysii ", Humphrey's wentletrap
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
subclassis =Orthogastropoda
superordo =Caenogastropoda
ordo =Sorbeoconcha
subordo =Hypsogastropoda
infraordo = Ptenoglossa
superfamilia =Epitonioidea
familia = Epitoniidae
familia_authority = Berry, 1910 (1812)
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text.Wentletraps are small, often white, very high-spired,
predatory seasnail s, marinegastropod mollusk s, in the family Epitoniidae.The word "wentletrap" originated in German-Dutch ("wenteltrap"), and it means spiral staircase. These snails are sometimes also called "staircase shells", and "ladder shells".
The Epitoniidae family belongs to the
superfamily Epitonioidea , which also includes theJanthinidae (thepelagic purple snails) and the familyNystiellidae , all part of the informal groupPtenoglossa .Distribution
Wentletraps inhabit all seas and oceans worldwide, from the tropical zones to the Arctic and Antarctic zones.
Wentletraps are found in habitats which also contain
sea anemone s orcoral s, which serve as a food source for the wentletrap.hell description
Wentletraps are notable for their intricately geometric shell architecture. The turret-shaped shell consists of tightly-wound whorls which create a high, conical spiral. The shells have a round aperture and a round operculum which fits the aperture tightly.
Within the genus "Epitonium" the shell has high, sharply ribbed sculpture, known as "costae".
Most species of wentletrap are white, and have a porcelain-like appearance, measuring no more than two
inch es in length, and the animal can exude a pink or purplish dye.Life habits
Many wentletraps reveal a hint of purple body color, suggestive of carnivorous feeding (Keen, 1958). Keen also cited direct observation of a wentletrap feeding by insertion of its proboscis into a sea anemone.
Genera within the family Epitoniidae
* "
Acirsa "
* "Amaea "
* "Cirsotrema "
* "Eglisia "
* "Epitonium "
* "Funiscala "
* "Murdochella "
* "Nodiscala "
* "Opalia"
* "Scalina "
* "Sthenorytis "References
A. Weil, L. Brown and B. Neville, 1999, "The Wentletrap Book: A Guide to the Recent Epitoniidae of the World", Mal de Mer Enterprises
External links
* [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9076556/wentletrap wentletrap] , Britannica
* [http://shells.tricity.wsu.edu/ArcherdShellCollection/Gastropoda/Epitoniidae.html Epitoniidae] , Wentletraps
* [http://www.edwardtbabinski.us/beach_kids/sea_shells/wentletrap/]
* [http://www.ncseagrant.org/ NC Sea Grant] , Seashells of North Carolina Field Guide
* [http://www.wentletrapart.com WentletrapArt] ,Wentletrapart International Art Residency Program
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.