- Bernhard von Gudden
Johann Bernhard Aloys von Gudden (
June 7 ,1824 -June 13 ,1886 ) was a Germanneuroanatomist andpsychiatrist . He earned his doctorate from theUniversity of Halle in 1848 and became an intern at the asylum inSiegburg . From 1851 to 1855 he was a psychiatrist in the mental asylum at Illenau inBaden . From 1855 to 1869 he was director of the "Unterfränkische Landes-Irrenanstalt" mental institution inWerneck . In 1869 he was appointed director of theBurghölzli Hospital, and also a professor of psychiatry at theUniversity of Zürich . Later in his career he was professor of psychiatry at theUniversity of Munich .Gudden made many contributions in the field of
neuroanatomy , especially his work of mapping and describing the paths, connections, origins/termini and neuroanatomical centers of the cranial and optic nerve networks. The commissural fibers of theoptic tract are eponymously called thecommissure of Gudden . He is also credited for developing a specializedmicrotome for sectioning thebrain for pathological study. Among his well-known students and assistants areEmil Kraepelin (1856-1926),Franz Nissl (1860-1919),Auguste-Henri Forel (1848-1931),Sigbert Josef Maria Ganser (1853-1931) andOskar Panizza (1853-1921).As director of mental institutions, Gudden advocated a no-restraint policy, humane treatment of the mentally ill, communal social interaction amongst patients, and a well-trained medical staff. These were considered innovative, if not revolutionary ideas concerning mental health treatment in the mid-19th century. Gudden was a respected psychiatrist in Germany and was appointed personal physician to King
Ludwig II of Bavaria . OnJune 13 ,1886 , Ludwig and Gudden were both found dead in the water near the shore ofLake Starnberg at 11:30 p.m., allegedly drowned, possibly murdered. To this day the details of their deaths remain a mystery.After Gudden's death, his works were collected and edited by his son-in-law,
psychiatrist Hubert von Grashey (1839-1914), and published in 1889 under the title "Bernhard von Gudden’s gesammelte und hinterlassene Abhandlungen".Selected writings:
* Beiträge zur Lehre von den Scabies
* Experimentelle Untersuchungen über das SchädelwachstumSource:
* [http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/159/3/379 American Journal of Psychiatry]
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