

Stan is a common English name, short for Stanley. It may refer to:

*Stanley - Stan is a diminutive of this common name in the English language.
*Stan Marsh, one of the main characters in the animated television series "South Park";
*Stan Musial, Hall of Fame Baseball Player for the St. Louis Cardinals
*Stan Rogers, Canadian folk singer and songwriter
*-stan, a Persian suffix meaning "home of/place of".
*"Stan" (song), a song by Eminem and Dido;
*Stan (Monkey Island), the recurring salesman character in the Monkey Island adventure games;
*Stan Smith (American Dad!), one of the main characters in the animated television series American Dad!;
*Sekolah tinggi akuntansi negara, STAN, a college in Indonesia;
* BHI 3033 (Stan) the 3rd most complete specimen of "Tyrannosaurus rex" found to date, housed at the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, South Dakota.
*Hurricane Stan the 19th storm of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.
*Republic of Ireland football manager Steve Staunton who has been popularly known as Stan for over two decades.
* Stan, the abbreviation for orchid genus "Stanhopea"
* Stan! (born 1964), American author, cartoonist and games designer.

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