Zahed Gilani

Zahed Gilani

The mystic Taj Al-Din Ebrahim ibn Rushan Amir Al-Kordi Al-Sanjani (or Sinjani) (1216 – 1301) ( _ar. تاج الدين ابراهيم الكردي السنجاني), titled Sheikh Zahed (or Zahid) Gilani, was Grandmaster (Murshid Kamil) of the famed Zahediyeh Sufi Order at Lahijan.

Since the mid 13th century, Sheikh Zahed is revered as a spiritual authority and his tomb near Lahijan in Iran's Gilan Province, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, draws numerous pilgrims to the picturesque village of Sheikhanvar. His ancestors hailed from the ancient city of Sanjan in Iran. Fleeing the Seljuq invasion that would eventually conquer large parts of Persia, his ancestors settled in Gilan in the late 11th century. Sheikh Zahed Gilani was able to attain cultural and religious influence on the Ilkhanid rulers (1256-1353), descendants of Genghis Khan, who followed Seljuq rule.

The Sheikh's most notable disciple was Sheikh Safi Al-Din Ardebili (1252-1334), the Eponym of the Safavid Dynasty (1501-1722). He wed Sheikh Zahed's daughter Bibi Fatemeh and, overgoing the interest of Shaikh Zahed's firstborn son, Gamal Al-Din Ali, was entrusted with the Grand Master's Zahediyeh Sufi Order, which he transformed into his own, the Safaviyeh (Safavid) Order. Some 170 years after Sheikh Safi Al-Din's death, the Safaviyeh had gained sufficient political and military power to claim the Throne of (Northern) Iran for the Safavid Heir, Shah Ismail I Safavi. The Sheikh's second-born son, Sadr Al-Din, wed Sheikh Safi Al-Din's daughter from a previous marriage. The two families were to be intertwined for many centuries to come, by blood as well as mutual spiritual causes.

The Sil-silat-al-nasab-e Safaviyeh or "Genealogy of the Safavids," was written by Sheikh Pir Hossein Abdul Zahedi, a 17th century descendant of Sheikh Zahed Gilani. This hagiography in praise of the Safavid forebearers, was devoted to the genealogy of the Safavid Sufi masters.

The Turkish Bayrami and Jelveti orders also had their origin in Sheikh Zahed Gilani's Zahediyeh Sufi Order.

*Other transliterations: Tajeddin, Tajoddin, Tajoldin


* E.G. Browne. "Literary History of Persia". (Four volumes, 2,256 pages, and twenty-five years in the writing). 1998. ISBN 0-7007-0406-X
* Jan Rypka, "History of Iranian Literature". Reidel Publishing Company. 1968 OCLC|460598. ISBN 90-277-0143-1
* Monika Gronke, "Derwische im Vorhof der Macht". Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Nordwestirans im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden 1993

ee also

*List of Persian poets and authors

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