- The Best American Poetry 2004
The Best American Poetry 2004, a volume in "
The Best American Poetry series ", was edited by general editorDavid Lehman . This year's guest editor wasLyn Hejinian .Hejinian, a "partisan of the Language School and the New York poets", according to Jacob Stockinger, editor of the culture desk at "
The Capital Times " of Madison, Wisconsin, "seems to have gotten caught up in a poet-as-political activist or social commentator point of view [...] Perhaps that's why she even seems hostile to the notion of beauty, favoring relevance instead." Stockinger found much of the poetry in the volume, a "graduate school inscrutability without either meaning or music." Some of the pleasant surprises in the volume, for Stockinger, were "Here 2" byBob Perelman andJean Day' s "Prose of the World Order". [ [http://newsbank.com] Stockinger, Jacob, "'Best' poetry is short on 'bestness'", book review in "The Capital Times" of Madison WisconsinNovember 12 ,2004 , accessed from Newsbank.com (subscription required) onOctober 13 ,2007 ]Ron Smith, writer-in-residence at St. Christopher's School and director of its Writers Institute, wrote in the "
Richmond Times-Dispatch " that the strong points of the collection are its "wit, humor and comedy". He added: "Ms. Hejinian's aesthetic is certainly an intellectual one, rather than an emotional one. The aim is not to move a reader, but to rev up his cognitive functions." Smith thought the volume's best poems were the contributions fromKim Addonizio ,Craig Arnold ,Billy Collins ,Carla Harryman ,Jane Hirshfield ,Danielle Pafunda ,James Tate ,Paul Violi , andDavid Wagoner . [ [http://newsbank.com] Smith, Ron, "Traditionalists will take umbrage at this new collection of poetry",Richmond Times-Dispatch , Richmond, Virginia,September 5 ,2004 , accessedOctober 13 ,2007 ]Poets and poems included
ee also
2004 in poetry Notes
External links
* [http://bestamericanpoetry.com/archive/?id=18 Web page for contents of the book] , with links to each publication where the poems originally appeared
* [http://bestamericanpoetry.com/ Best American Poetry Web site main page]
* [http://www.bostoncomment.com/bostonc9.htm] A review by Joan Houlihan in "Boston Comment"
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0DE2DE1F3CF932A15752C1A9629C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print] A review by David Orr in "The New York Times Book Review"
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