Peter Sanger

Peter Sanger

Peter Sanger (born 1943) is a Canadian poet and prose writer. Sanger, who is also described as a critic and an editor, was born in Bewdley, England, and immigrated to Canada in 1953. He was educated at the University of Melbourne, University of Victoria, and Acadia University. He lived and worked in Ontario, British Columbia and Newfoundland before settling in Nova Scotia in 1970 and teaching at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, where he became Head of the Humanities and Professor Emeritus.

Sanger's first book, "American Reel", was published by Pottersfield Press in 1983. This collection was followed by five poetry collections including "Earth Moth" (1991), "Ironworks" (2001) and "Kerf" (2002). Sanger has published collections of poetry and essays and has edited the complete works of Canadian poet John Thompson. Many readers also know Sanger for his measured criticism and insightful reviews of work by Douglas Lochhead, Richard Outram, Robert Bringhurst, John Thompson, Emily Carr and Elizabeth Bishop. [ [ League of Canadian Poets: A Digital History of Canadian Poetry.] ] Sanger has been the poetry editor for Nova Scotia literary journal "The Antigonish Review" since 1985.



*"American Reel". Porter's Lake, N.S. : Pottersfield Press, 1983.
*"Earth Moth". Fredericton, N.B.: Goose Lane, 1991
*"Ironworks". Platinum Prints by Thaddeus Holownia, Poems by Peter Sanger. Sackville, N.B.: Anchorage Press, 2001. ISBN 1-895488-18-4
*"Kerf". Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2002. ISBN 9781894031530 []
*"Arborealis". With photographs by Thaddeus Holownia. Sackville, N.B.: Anchorage Press, 2005. ISBN 1-895488-26-5
*"Aiken Drum". Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2006. ISBN 9781554470143 []


*"Her Kindled Shadow ...", An Introduction to the Work of Richard Outram", The Antigonish Review, 2001. ISBN 0-920653-05-7
*"Spar: Words in Place". Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2002. ISBN 9781894031547 []
*"White Salt Mountain: Words in Time". Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2005. ISBN 9781554470044 []
*"The Stone Canoe: Two Lost Mi'kmaq Texts" (with Elizabeth Paul & Alan Syliboy). Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2007. ISBN 9781554470433 []


*"John Thompson: Collected Poems and Translations". Fredericton, N.B.: Goose Lane, 1995.
*"Divisions of the Heart: Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Memory and Place". Gwendolyn Davies, Sandra Berry, and Peter Sanger, eds. Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 2001. ISBN 9781894031318 []


External links

* [ Gaspereau Press]
* [ An Interview with Peter Sanger]

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