Mbuna — Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos displaying behaviour typical of Mbuna. Mbuna (pronounced mboo na) is the common name for a large group of African cichlids from Lake Malawi. The name mbuna means rockfish in the language of the Tonga people of Malawi … Wikipedia
Labidochromis caeruleus — ? Labidochromis caeruleus Самец Елоу Научная классификация Ц … Википедия
Labidochromis caeruleus — Taxobox name = Labidochromis caeruleus status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 trend = unknown image width = 250px image caption = The naturally occurring yellow morph of L. caeruleus is popular with aquarium hobbyists. regnum = Animalia phylum =… … Wikipedia
Labidochromis — Taxobox name = Labidochromis image caption = Labidochromis sp. Hongi Island image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Cichlidae genus = Labidochromis genus authority = Trewavas,… … Wikipedia
List of fish common names — This is a list of fish common names. While some common names refer to a single species or family, others have been used for a confusing variety of different types; the articles listed here should explain the possibilities if the name is ambiguous … Wikipedia
List of fishes of India — This is a list of the fish species found in India and is based on FishBase. [Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006.FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. [http://www.fishbase.org] , version (05/2006)] AlbuliformesAlbulidae… … Wikipedia
Spawn (biology) — The spawn (eggs) of a clownfish. The black spots are the eyes developing. Spawn refers to the eggs and sperm released or deposited, usually into water, by aquatic animals. As a verb, spawn refers to the process of releasing the eggs and sperm,… … Wikipedia
Melanochromis johannii — Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Cornish jack — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii … Wikipedia
mimicry — /mim ik ree/, n., pl. mimicries. 1. the act, practice, or art of mimicking. 2. Biol. the close external resemblance of an organism, the mimic, to some different organism, the model, such that the mimic benefits from the mistaken identity, as… … Universalium