- Tsunemi Kubodera
"Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences" (published online). doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.0236]
Finding the giant squid
Kyoichi Mori of theOgasawara Whale Watching Association , Kubodera captured photos of the elusive giant squid with his special cameras, after three years of attempts. The cameras, which were able to store 600 photos, were programmed to flash and take a picture every thirty seconds. Tsunemi's hope was that one of these pictures would contain a photograph of the giant squid. The camera was mounted on a line that used two hooks. To this line Kubodera attached two cuttlefish as bait. The line was then lowered to 2950 feet. [ [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/09/0927_050927_giant_squid.html Holy Squid! Photos Offer First Glimpse of Live Deep-Sea Giant] ] A giant squid took the bait and got caught on one of the hook traps. The squid spent more than four hours trying to get free before severing one of its tentacles and fleeing. The tentacle was still moving when the camera was hauled up. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4288772.stm Live giant squid caught on camera] ] He had a segment onDiscovery Channel 's special about the giant squid.References
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