Eboard (chess)

Eboard (chess)

name = eboard

caption = Playing a FICS game on eboard
developer = Felipe Bergo
latest_release_version = 1.1.1
latest_release_date = Feb 22, 2008
operating_system = UNIX
genre = Computer chess
license = GPL
website = [http://www.bergo.eng.br/eboard/ eboard]

eboard is a Unix (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.) chess interface written by Felipe Bergo. eboard supports two popular forms of computer chess: playing against a computer opponent by connecting to a chess engine, and playing against human players by connecting to an internet chess server such as the Free Internet Chess Server


* Support for Free Internet Chess Server connectivity.
* Chess Engine Support: [ [http://www.bergo.eng.br/eboard/index?p=6 Chess Engines] ]
** Crafty
** Sjeng
** ... any engine supporting Xboard Communication Protocol
* Graphical board with customizable squares and piece images.


eboard is written by Felipe Bergo as a hobby. It is an open-source project with source code available from Sourceforge. The program is written for the Unix platform and utilizes GTK 2.x for graphical rendering. Older releases, compiled with version 1.x of GTK are also available for download.


The eboard-extras packages are collections of additional piece graphics and sounds for eboard. These are a recommended download by the author [ [http://www.bergo.eng.br/eboard/index.php?p=2 Downloads] ] .

See also

* XBoard
* Free Internet Chess Server
* Chess engine
* Computer chess

External links

* [http://www.bergo.eng.br/eboard/ eboard website]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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