

Coo-Coo or cou-cou makes up part of the national dish of Barbados. It consists mainly of corn meal (yellow maize) and ochro (also spelled okra). The cornmeal which comes readily packaged and is available at supermarkets island wide and the ochro which is accessible at supermarkets, vegetable markets and home gardens are very inexpensive ingredients. It is because these main components are inexpensive that the dish became so common for many residents in Barbadosearly history. Cou-Cou derives from the islands African ancestry and was a regular meal for those slaves who were brought over from Africa to Barbados.

A unique cooking utensil called acou-cou stickis used in its preparation. A cou-cou stick is made of wood and has a long, flat rectangular shape. It is believed by Barbadians to be essential in stirring the cou-cou as cou-cou takes on a firm texture and the cou-cou stick makes it easier to stir.

Flying fish prepared fried or steamed is a perfect compliment to cou-cou. In fact, cou-cou and flying fish is Barbadosnational dish. Beef stew is also a common accompaniment to cou-cou. Traditionally, cou-cou is served on Fridays at homes across Barbados and local food establishments. As a matter of fact, one local restaurant calledCou-Cou Villagelocated in Barbados' capital city, Bridgetown, is named after this national dish

In some islands, cou-cou is cooked without ochroes and goes by the name Fengi.

The following is a conventional means for preparing Cou-Cou:


*Six (6) Ochroes
*One (1) Cup Corn Meal
*Three (3) Cups Cold Water
*One (1) Tablespoon Butter or Margarine
*One (1) Teaspoon Salt


1. Pour one cup of water over corn meal in a bowl.

2. Wash ochroes and cut them diagonally ensuring to discard each end.

3. Boil remaining water and add ochroes.

4. Reserve one cup of the boiling water and gradually add wet corn meal to the ochro and water combination. While adding corn meal, use the coo-coo stick to stir.

5. Reduce heat and gradually add the one cup of water that was reserved.

6. When the mixture is smooth, add butter.


BARROW, Errol & LEE, Kendal. Privilege Cooking in the Caribbean, 1988.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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