

Toscanini's Ice Cream Company (known simply as Toscanini's or Tosci's) is an ice cream parlor and café in Cambridge, Massachusetts, founded in 1982. It is known worldwide for excellent ice cream, and has been highly rated in the "New York Times" food section as well as in "Gourmet" magazine. [ [ About Toscanini's] , from [ Toscanini's official web site] ]

Toscanini's original (and presently only) location is at 899 Main St. in Central Square. Other locations have included the Someday Café in Somerville, Massachusetts (closed August 2006), a location in the MIT student center (closed December 2000), and a location on Massachusetts Avenue in Harvard Square (closed December 2006). Toscanini's ice cream can also be found in some restaurants and supermarkets in the Boston area, such as Whole Foods Market.

Owner Gus Rancatore recently published an Amazon Short with author Helen Epstein, entitled "Ice Cream Man: 25 Years at Toscanini's", [ [ Ice Cream Man: 25 Years at Toscanini's] , an Amazon Short by owner Gus Rancatore with Helen Epstein] [ [ Ice cream maker still sweet on MIT: Toscanini's owner looks back on 25 years] , an article in MIT Tech Talk] presenting a personal story of how Toscanini's came to be. The short has spent several weeks on Amazon's top ten list.

On January 17, 2008 the business was seized by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue because of failure to pay more than $167,000 in taxes dating back to 2000.An overwhelming amount of support from the local community and beyond provided the owners with more than $30,000 toward satisfying the tax bill, and a plan was devised to pay the balance. After being closed for eight days, Toscanini's Ice Cream and Coffee Shop re-opened for business on January 25. [ cite news |url= |title=Shop is set to lick its tax problem |publisher="The Boston Globe" |date=January 26, 2008 ]

Flavors observed Jan 21, 2007 at 899 Main Street:

Ice cream

*Belgian Chocolate
*Burnt Caramel
*Butter Almond
*Butter Pecan
*Cake Batter
*Chicory Root
*Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
*Chocolate Banana
*Coffee Ice cream sandwich
*Espresso Lemon
*French Vanilla
*French Press Coffee
*Ginger Snap Molasses
*Hydrox Cookie
*Khulfee (Cardamom & nuts)
*Malted Vanilla
*Mocha Chocolate Chip
*Mocha Almond
*Nocciola (Hazelnut)
*Prune Armagnac
*Rather Dark
*Sweet Cream
*Vienna Finger Cookie
*White Chocolate Peppermint
*White Chocolate Almond
*White Coffee


*Champagne Sorbet
*Chocolate Orange Sorbet
*Coconut Sorbet
*Lemon Sorbet
*Lime Sorbet
*Mango Sorbet


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