

The tricorne (also tricorn, tri-cornered hat or three-cornered hat) is a style of hat that was popular during the late 17th century and 18th century, falling out of style shortly before the French Revolution. At the peak of its popularity, the tricorne was worn as civilian dress and as part of military and naval uniforms. [ [ Gentlemen of Fortune] ] Its distinguishing characteristic was a practical one: the turned-up portions of the brim formed gutters that directed rainwater away from the wearer's face, depositing most of it over his shoulders; before the invention of specialized rain gear, this was a distinct advantage. [See [

The black-coloured tricorne has a rather broad brim, pinned up on either side of the head and at the back, producing a triangular shape. The hat was typically worn with the point facing forward on the head. The crown is low, unlike the steeple hats worn by the Puritans or the stovepipe hat of the nineteenth century. [ [ Hats from the past till the present and their production (in Czech)] ]

Tricornes ranged from the very simple and cheap to the extravagant, occasionally incorporating gold or silver lace trimming and feathers. In addition, military and naval versions usually bore a cockade or other national emblem at the front. The tricorne later evolved into the bicorne and eventually the cocked hat. [ [ Cocked Hat -] ]

Tricornes survive today as part of the traditional dress of the Chelsea Pensioners (UK) [ [ The Royal Hospital Chelsea] ] , and the Guardia Civil (Spain) ( [ of same] ) [ [ Guardia Civil] ] .

A black feathered tricorne is worn by the Lord Mayor of the City of London for all ceremonials and is in evidence at the annual Lord Mayor's Show in November, when the newly elected Lord Mayor enthusiastically waves it at the crowds. [ [ Lord Mayor's Show] ]

In the United States, the tricorne is associated with the American Revolution and American Patriots of that era, especially Minutemen (militia members of the American Colonies). [ [ American Headgear of the Revolutionary War] ] Participants in reenactment events often don tricornes, and they also can be seen in sports culture as worn by fans of teams with Revolutionary names, such as the New England Patriots (an American football team) [ [ New England Patriots] ] , the New England Revolution (a Major League Soccer team) [ [ New England Revolution] ] , the US national soccer team, the University of Massachusetts [ [ University of Massachusetts - Official Athletic Site] ] , and the George Washington University.

In France, synagogue officiants (usually not rabbis), wear the tricorne on formal occasions.

ee also

* List of hats and headgear
* Bicorne
* Cocked hat


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