

Infobox German Location Subdivision
name_ =
german_name =
image_photo = Fachwerkhaus von 1817 am Auedeich in Hamburg-Finkenwerder 2.jpg
image_caption = House (built 1817) at the street "Auedeich" in Finkenwerder
of_city_coa = Coat of arms of Hamburg.svg
type = Quarter
article_ = of
of_city = Hamburg
of_town =
image_coa =
map_ =

lat_deg = 53 | lat_min = 31 | lat_sec = 37
lon_deg = 9 | lon_min = 51 | lon_sec = 57
state_ =
district_NUTS =
borough_ = Hamburg-Mitte
subdivision_ =
_office =
free_adm_1 =
free_adm_1_txt =
area = 19.3
population =
pop_date =
popu_ref =
postal_code =
area_code = 040
license_plate = HH
free_2 =
free_2_txt =
year_f =

image_plan = HH-Finkenwerder-quarter.jpg

Finkenwerder (Low German: "Finkwarder","Finkenwarder" or "- wärder"; translation German: "Finkeninsel"; translation: Island of finches) is a quarter of Hamburg, Germany in the borough Hamburg-Mitte. It is the location of a plant of Airbus and its airport. In 2006 the population was 11,629.


During WWII until April 30 1945 a concentration camp was established in Finkenwerder. It was a subcamp to the Neuengamme concentration camp. [The camp is listed as No. 554 Hamburg-Finkenwerder in the official German list of concentration camps.]


The port of Hamburg covers a part of this quarter. In 2006 according to the statistical office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, the quarter Altengamme has a total area of 19.3 km².

The western and norther border is the river Elbe in the North the borough Altona borders to Finkenwerder. Lower Saxony is in the East. In the South is the border to the quarter Bergedorf.


In 2006 in the quarter Finkenwerder were living 11,629 people. The population density was convert|602|PD/sqkm|0|abbr=on. 18.9% were children under the age of 18, and 19.8% were 65 years of age or older. 13% were immigrants. 461 people were registered as unemployed and 3,928 were employees subject to social insurance contributions. Residents registration office, source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]

In 1999 there were 5,702 households out of which 25.7% had children under the age of 18 living with them and 39.9% of all households were made up of individuals. The average household size was 2.1. [Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (1999)]

In 2006 there were 867 criminal offences (75 crimes per 1000 people). [State Investigation Bureaux (Landeskriminalamt), source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]


There were 2 elementary schools and 2 secondary schools in the quarter Finkenwerder.


Finkenwerder is parted in an industrial area and rural parts. The Hamburg Finkenwerder Airport run by the Airbus S.A.S. industries and some facilities of the port of Hamburg are located in this quarter.


Health systems

In Finkenwerder were 6 day care centers for children and also 7 physicians in private practice and 3 pharmacies.


The quarter is not serviced by the rapid transit system of the city train. Puplic transport is provided by buses of the Hamburger Verkehrsverbund and the "HADAG Seetouristik und Fährdienst", operating ferries on the Elbe river.

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt), in Finkenwerder were 4,354 private cars registered (376 cars/1000 people). Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)] There were 58 traffic accidents total, including 45 traffic accidents with damage to persons. [Traffic accident statistic, statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]

ee also

* List of subcamps of Neuengamme
* Hamburg Finkenwerder Airport



* [ Official German list of concentration camps] "Verzeichnis der Konzentrationslager und ihrer Außenkommandos gemäß § 42 Abs. 2 BEG" de icon
* [ Statistical office Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein] Statistisches Amt für Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, official website de icon

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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